Okay, thanks for clearing that up. I guess I will try and find a reliable proxy I guess. Never used or read into proxies. Ricky's FF Aber was just so solid I guess I never worried about it. I am moving this weekend. To a new house with an entirely new network. I have logged into my main on this computer. Suppose I stopped logging in today. This weekend I use a second account on this computer on this new network at my new place with a new modem and only use my phone's browser for my main. Would this separate all traces of an account link?
I recently acquired some private proxies (that use my own IP as authorization). They work fine with my browser and a different cheat program, yet when I try to set AU with it I get an error message of a timeout (as in, Request through proxy connection was not successfull). Has anyone else had problems with this, or know why this problem occurs?
I know someone else mentioned this like a year ago, but would love to see the feature put in for attic ABing where we can manually put in the restock pattern (eg we look up sunny neo for next possible restock and type that in somewhere) so AU isn't refreshing every minute at :53+ until it finds the RS pattern, but instead just takes the pattern we put in and run with it. Also, what times are you all getting for the AAA? For some reason mine are pretty slow compared to some I've heard (I average around 1-1.2 seconds and get something around 1/3 but never anything really good) - some people get like 500ms and below - which is what I usually get for the igloo. Anyone know why? Yet another thing - I think it would be beneficial for AU to start refreshing in the AAA at 45seconds past, just because I have noticed sometimes items RS a few seconds before the .53 and even up till .05 so it would give more of a chance for AU to buy something.
This probably isn't something to worry about, but I have noticed that sometimes when I'm using the firefox login--and switching back and forth from AU to the brouser--AU will suddenly say that the cookies may be outdated. Does this possibly indicate someone else has logged onto my account? This has probably happened in the past a couple times, but lately it seems to be happening a couple times a day.
there's a bug where cookie import doesn't work if you start processes without the main shop enabled. I fixed it but not uploaded yet.. for now you can go to the login window and reimport the cookies from there if starting without the main shop buyer
definitely agreed. I've been pining for this for ages. Such an obvious (and hopefully easy) update as the pattern never changes.
That's pretty much what I do...click on the "Use Firefox Login" button after I've been browsing for a while, but occasionally I'll get that message which makes me wonder if someone else may have logged into my account. Yesterday it happened twice while I was switching back and forth from browser to AU 30-40 times over a 4-5 hour period. After I get that message, I am still logged on neopets using the browser, but if I close it and then reopen, I find that am logged off.
Usually, when you can't authorize, it has something to do with internet security software blocking something. Try temporarily disabling it.
I have a problem with AU. I choose the shop and load a list and save the changes: But if I click away the lists setup page and click on it stands it on the chocolate shop :O
It's probably trying to get past you antivirus security. I had the same thing happen and it eventually got through after about 2hrs. Try temporarily disabling it.