The rules of the program have changed, neither the cost or availability was my choice...but that doesn't mean I'm going to let people spam the forum all day. its easy to make 3 non-spam posts per day, its an attempt to generate more activity.
This is not the case just yet - I believe this is meant to be, but at present there are some problems. I'm working on getting them fixed.
Soooo for those who paid with real money will we be able to use it again in the future without posting? Now that I have a job I don't have as much time to post enough thoughtful posts here... honestly, I'd just end up spamming since I'm normally just a lurker to begin with. Heck, I'd feel better if I could just pay a few more bucks for authorization again.
Hi, This is from my log today Spoiler 11/05/2013 15:09:57 : Buying Herbal Scrambled Eggs for 3111 NP 11/05/2013 15:09:58 : Waiting for xxx ms! 11/05/2013 15:09:58 : Haggling & Clicking Picture 11/05/2013 15:09:59 : Bought Herbal Scrambled Eggs for 3111 NP in a time of 2.xxxxxx seconds 11/05/2013 15:09:59 : Screenshot saved to Herbal_Scrambled_Eggs=xxxxxxxx.html 11/05/2013 15:10:06 : Refreshing at Igloo Garage 11/05/2013 15:10:06 : Igloo has stock, but no item matches. 11/05/2013 15:10:13 : Refreshing at shop #13 I've noticed this a couple of times before that after a main shop buy it doesn't immediately check the shop again, which it really should, but waits the normal refresh time. (note the time difference in the log and the igloo refresh in between) On a restock alert this doesn't happen, and the shop is checked immediately after an item is bought. Is there any way to have a look at this?
I got the program passed my antivirus security. Before that, it just said that I'm not authorized. But after getting it passed, it says I haven't posted three times, but I know I have posted three times today.
Posts: 1 Posting in certain sections (like spam corner, introductions) don't count towards posts. In any case as far as I can see this post has been your only one on these forums.
as for me i solved the issue now its saying i need 3 posts in three days and im not authorized to use it when i try to punch in my account >.> <3 im in!!!! any reccomendations on where to start?
Depending on how old your account is...but Pharmacy is always good for noob accounts. Books, Stamp, Food, Magic are always good shops to go to.
Maybe not magic if you're new to AB'ing - seems like a good place to start getting yourself frozen Toy, Food, chocolate shop, Pharmacy, Stamp, book etc. Always good. Lower profits, but less suspicious. Lets you sort out your preferred buy times etc and fiddle with settings.
Thats probably just due to either a newbie account, or bad lists. Big Profit lists are good, but the stuff doesn't restock as often. Low profit stuff restocks alot, so you have more cahcne at getting it. And will work out just as valuable over a long period
what is the after-restock pause? What is the restock alert for? Does it pause just when a shop gets new stock? Is it normal I'm now waiting a day for only have 10 things or so bought?
After restock pause is what happens if it restocks, but there is nothing on your list to buy. It will not pause if there is something on your list. A restock alert is just a way of logging what stocked - it comes up and tells you there was a restock in whatever shop. blah blah blah. It also transmits via the chat and allows other users to jump to that store and try to get something also. and as for whether its normal to have that many items purchased, its all to do with your lists. That around how many I get in a day too Profits on those items vary alot though.
If i don't use proxy, i get freezed? say me please! cause it says ''Using a proxy is not recommended, as it is likely to slow down the program significantly. '' I have understood, if you do not use proxy , you get freezed... or that already changed? i don't play neopets over 8 months
Oh if that's true I'm in serious trouble too. I hope someone can answer quickly? edit: just bought Deluxe Fyora Day Cake !!! Freakin' out! How much would it be worth?