oh lol i know what happened, sorry. it's possible to someone send me his configurated AU? i think this stats are bad: Restock Count 12 Succesfull Main Buys 1 Failed Main Buys 1
I have a little secret to restocking more succesfully: living in Europe, when I come home at five o'clock, it is early morning in America. Fewer people are online and it's then I get the best stuf.
Is there any updated news on whether people who bought the AU with USD in the past will be able to be authorized in the future without constantly posting? Can we pay another small fee to use it again?
When the system was first changed so that AU was available based solely on activity, Expon said that was the plan. I'm not 100% sure whether this is still the case (but I would have thought so). The issue is with the authorization system at the moment, which Lightning is working on fixing. I don't want to put any sort of time frame on it, but hopefully this will change 'soon'
I paid for AU and I have to make one post every 3 days. What's the big deal? Just post a daily result if you can't find any other active thread that is lacking your input.
I can confirm that Lightning is well aware of this issue - I spoke to him about it about a week ago however due to personal circumstances and real life events, he does not have a great deal of time to recode and fix the auth system. It WILL be fixed though. Just have to be patient If it means anything I feel your pain, I have to have the same posts and restrictions as everyone else. Actually, I think I have more than some people
I have fixed the authorization system, so now it will be a few lines of code change for expon to adapt the new version of the auth.
I completely understand about the irl thing... irl comes first before online games for sure. :yup: Thanks for the update and hard work Junior and Lightning. <3
I have a question, where can i get item lists for this AB? And, which shop shouldi i rs if im newbie and i want some profit? And, how i know which list is this AB using?
Why i just have 1 avaiable list in my list settings? i cant choose list for main shop 1, 2 or 3, it just give me 1 list and nothing else
There should be a drop-down box near the top left that allows you to select different shops' lists in the List Configuration window.
See the red box? There. Click the arrow for a dropdown menu of shops - They go by name rather than number.
Yeah, i knew it, but i want to know how i choose between list of main shop 1, 2, 3 and igloo and attic lists, i just can see 1 list, if i change the list the other one dissapears