I dont know either which list i am using right now, because i choose the list of Food, and when i close the windown and open it again it appears in Chocolates lists... thats maybe why i just see the restocks and i dont buy anything long ago....
It is standard set to open on the chocolate shop list. This has no influence on your restock buying. Make sure you press the 'Save changes' button when you load in a new list for a shop. The animated picture you linked is probably of an older version of the program.
You need to save the list under the shop you want.. then to pick what shops to restock in simply press the button that looks like a tool. (or go into the actions tab up the top, then down to configure session). Then change the three shop numbers to whatever shops you want to restock in.
So you all are telling me what if i put 3 main shops (Examples ID 1, 7 and 19) in my settings and save the 3 lists and then close the lists window the lists sets by themself automatically? because i dont have the option to edit main shop 1 or main shop 2 lists, just the option to search a shop and then save the list... im not english, i cant explain myself right... sorry i hope you understand
Correct. If you save the lists after making them in the lists section, then select the main shops in session configuration. It automatically locates those lists when buying from the shops.
I am glad this is only 1 point now, I remember when I was on here before it was like 9999 points to use.
I had the message: 29/05/2013 20:43 Noodles for ALL 13.131 2,540004 Main Yes Unbuyable - - bought, says AU, but I really can't find it anywhere. Not in my shop, gallery, SDB or trading post. 2nd Post: Wouldn't it be nice if AU also changes your pet so all your pets can go fishing? Mod Edit: Please do not double post, you can use the edit button to edit your posts.
If you cant find the item that AU bought, please check your event log. There is a chance it was stolen by a random event (Like "The Grundo Leader attacks! He steals xxxxx".)
I'm sorry for this false alarm but I yet found it in my shop... I'm just not used with my shop being more than 30 items large and the item was on a second page. 2nd Post: when are you freezed easily in magic shop? (I'm sorry but should I make from two posts one when there is more than a day in between them?)
I assume you figured out why? Hence this post? lol. It hopefully will be fixed soon - and the proper limitations and requirements will be in place. Lightning already modified his end - now just needs the program code edited with new auth code. Won't be long
For someone of your rank it won't make a difference. The higher rank you are, the less posts per day it requires. Also, those who purchased it with real money with the old format I believe are exempt from the post requirements and can use others restock alerts etc. They are all listed on the front info page for the program
I also sugest in a new version, when pricing, the item should be looked up at least five times or so.
The chat was working for me the last time I was on. You can get to it by clicking the Neofriends.net logo in the top right.