I do not believe equal oppurtunity should be offered. Good things should go to those that work for it.
They kinda get that free extra push that gets them in the door ahead of someone else. That's what I meant, and I meant it only in this scenario. Obviously he was discriminated against because he was black. Either that, or there was an error in the paperwork, which is highly doubtful, I know, but possible. That should have been brought to the attention of the public. If you prooved a flaw in their selection system, then the parties involved should have worked together to take whoever was responsible down, or at least earn the right for the denied party to attend that college. I'm not saying discrimination against minorities doesn't happen anymore. But really, is it fair to turn the tables against non-minorities who are innocent and hard-working themselves? I really just don't feel it's right. Either way, minority or not, if you are intelligent and hard-working, you can find another way around such hurdles.