Yea there are def a lot of older players. I have a friend who is about 38 I think... and a few more around the same age. I usually get in touch with them through guilds or trades though.
Re: I'm 18 and I completely agree with you. Some folks do act very young and I guess everyone has a childhood dream or whatever that they want to hold on to but I don't think it should be so literally. that's like a grown person wering a diaper walking around saying they never had a childhood as their excuse. It's just weird.
Re: Re: Don't forget though, A LOT of kids on neopets lie about their age. Seriously, I can't tell you how many people have joined our chat groups saying that they're 16 or 17, and then tell us a few months later that they're really 12, 13, 10, etc.
Re: Re: that's scary on so many levels I don't agree with uber strict parents but the internet is a completely MORE dangerous world.. ugh.. they should get the whips and chains out and watch their kids like a hawk.
Honestly age isn't an issue in my eyes its like you all have said how you act and carry yourself should determine how you get treated. I'm 18 and have been known since about age 12 as a very mature person. I myself can't stand immaturity but even with that disdain most of my friends are mindless idiots that amuse me. Kinda sucks but what can you do this is how most of our society is now days so many people wanting to be older and so many others wanting to be younger. Oh well what can you do but accept and adapt. -2 Cents
lol I agree, people always want to be a different age. My Mum asked me what I wanted for my 21st and I said, to be 20 again... it's a nice age.