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[Anonymouso_O's Gimp tutorials] Using photoshop/psp brushes

Discussion in 'Tutorials and Guides' started by anonymouso_O, Jan 7, 2007.


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  1. anonymouso_O

    anonymouso_O Level III

    Dec 20, 2006
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    Here's all of that introductory blah:

    Gimp's main site:


    Windows users can get Gimp here (you will need to install Gimp, and the Gimp runtime env.):


    ^^that is the latest stable version of gimp, if you want you can search for Gimp 2.3 on google, but be advised that that version is currently not stable. I used it, it's pretty buggy for me. The next stable release of gimp will be ver. 2.4 You can read all about it here

    Why use gimp?

    This question is like asking people why they use linux... they just do. You're either gonna love it or hate it. I chose gimp because it was different, and I like the challenge it presents (learning a new interface, etc.). I figured if I could learn gimp and be good at it then that would actually mean something just because it seems like everybody and their uncle uses photoshop. hehe I guess you could say I like gimp because it's GNU (nerd joke)

    Beginning of tutorial----------

    One of the great things about gimp is that it's completely different than all of the top of the line graphics programs out there, one downside to that is the lack of the availibility of pwnful brushes you can use... or at least that was a problem until now.

    In this tut I'll teach you how to use your favorite photoshop brushes in gimp... here we go!

    Ok you'll need three things:

    Gimp Batch brush convertor
    Open source ABR viewer
    Any Photoshop brush set (.abr file)

    To install the script:

    Firefox users follow the steps shown below


    Internet explorer users will have to copy the text shown on the page, paste into notepad and save under the directory listed above

    Next Download Abr Viewer and install it, you may also have to download the Microsoft .Net framework 1.1, in that case go here

    After you have installed the script and Abr viewer, launch Abr viewer, go to file>open, locate your .abr (photoshop brush set) file and click "ok"

    next create a folder anywhere on your computer and name it image dump, go back to Abr viewer and go to export>thumbnails and select the folder you just made

    Next start Gimp and go to Xtns>Script-Fu>Gimp-talk.com>Brush-batch...

    when the Script-Fu dialog box comes up configure your settings as shown:


    Set "Load from" as your image dump folder

    Set "File type" to png (this will change if you are using thumbnails that are saved in a different format, set the type to the format of your thumbnails)

    Set "Brush Name" and "File Name" to the same name (this depends on the type of brush it is, in this example it was a grunge brush set I was converting. Please note that if you choose to convert more brushes of the same type use a unique name. For instance, If I were to convert more grunge brushes I would probably use the Brush Name\File Name "Grunge-Set2_")

    Leave "Spacing" at its default value

    Set "Save to folder" as C:\Program Files\GIMP-X.X\share\gimp\2.0\brushes

    Hit "OK", once the process is done hit Ctrl+Shift+B, and hit "refresh brushes"

    If all steps were completed correctly you should have the brushes in your list now ;)

    I bet you're starting to like gimp more and more....

    +rep and comments much appreciated
  2. baldudexx

    baldudexx Level III

    Dec 26, 2006
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    In your house
    Cool, but the graphs on here can be fuzzy.

    I dunno whether to choose this or photoshop ...
  3. anonymouso_O

    anonymouso_O Level III

    Dec 20, 2006
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    most of the time it depends on how you save them, and how much you compress them....
  4. Sorandra

    Sorandra Level III

    Jan 7, 2007
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    Oklahoma/Georgia Traveller
    I just recently got GIMP. I've been curious about it, I just haven't really used it much at all yet. :) Coolness.
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