Hrmm, a petpage I looked at earlier said the 27th but according to another it's the 30th. So you're probably right, the 30th.
You beat him in meerca chase? You, my friend, are amazing. I don't think I've ever gotten above 500. The only way I can see myself getting 700 is by getting a fish negg early on, followed by a slew of lower point neggs (like green and blue).
I love meerca chase it so fun , but i didnt pick AAA for my challenger because i was scared i will lose !
I've beaten AAA every time except for DoM II because I was under the misconception that you had one attempt to beat AAA, I know better now but it's too late.
Yeah, if I would have had the flash game program from here I'm sure I could have beaten it, but at the time I wasn't on this site. Fish negg is the only way to beat it legit, though.
anyone here check out my guide on the Jolly Jugglers game? its really good I have the silver trophy. sickandtired - stay on topic please! - Marlene
Congratulations, you won your challenge! AAA has awarded you Gummy Blocks Executive Desk Toy. Huzzah!
You can do it! Congratulations, you won your challenge! AAA has awarded you Sophie's Cookbook. Finally! A book! Sophie's Stew is cake, go for AAA! Type "hungrymeowclops" for an extra life.
You can type 'destroyboulders' in Destruct-O-Match once per game to get rid of all boulders of any one colour. As for the evil fuzzles, my tip is to save your multiplier until you are 100m from the spacestation. Keep getting stronger guns every round until you max that, then work on getting repair droids and shields. Shoot the ground bombs first, before the fuzzles, especially at later levels when they become faster (they will hit you and take away your multiplier bonus if you don't). Hope that helps!
Shoot the FUZZLES before the ground bombs... you had it reversed. Trust me I'm not copying and pasting I played it and it's definately shoot the fuzzles before the bombs.