I still play Magic TG on PC from time to time. The decks are outdated but I still love it. I downloaded the demo on XBOX live and will probably buy the full version. I still own my deck but all my friends sold theirs.
I still have all my Star Wars CCG cards and decks. Ever since Decipher lost the rights to the game, the price and rarity of the cards has gone up and the only place I can find them anymore is on eBay...
Heh....wow....Okay, I feel like an uber nerd now. I still have both my tournament decks, and my books of spares....lawl
Haha, I still have my Pokemon Cards from twelve years back. I don't know if that counts. :maha: I'm too lazy to see if they're worth anything to sell them... But I'm unwilling to just throw them out. I was obsessed with these cards when I was a little kid.. Must've spent so much money buying those booster packs.
I'm thinking of selling my Yugioh deck. I was always the best one in class. But people in my class still play Magic. Heavily. I lost the drive for those things long ago.
I've been considering selling my cards, both Yugioh and MTG....But I still have a decent sized group of friends who get together and play...That's pretty much the only reason I still have mine. I'll probably end up keeping them until I'm 40 and selling them for a mint...LOL
Urrrgghghh Digimon...... I still have my Deck of Yu gi oh cards Spent about 150 euro on Blasted booster packs that cost 5 euro......EACH
I don't play, but my friend started getting into tournament play for Pokemon TCG. It's crazy, all my childhood I've never known how to play, and these people play really, REALLY, intensely. Also, the crazy good players are jerks.
Hey, I'm not a jerk ! XD BTW, for those of you who would like to play this incredible game natively, there's a VMWARE image on the net for MTG already installed on Windows 98 Micro edition. It's about 1.5 gigs. The fun part with this image is that you can also install other 16bits-era game on it. I use it to play Diablo and Hellfire from time to time. If you don't know what VMWARE is, don't bother searching for this image XD
I wish I still had my Yu-gi-oh cards! Spent so much money on those things just to end up giving them away haha I still have a TON of pokemon cards. Probably gonna hold on to them, as a keepsake of my childhood xD
I have some Pokemon cards really, old there worth something but idk how to sell them and stuff. I never really played pokemon tcg, more of a collector. Yu-gi-oh was the one I played, but I got bored of that too.
Ebay is actually a really BAD way to sell Pokemon cards, seriously. Your card WILL either not sell, pr be under priced.