spanish (personally) i think gets kinda hard after a while =) and french starts hard and stays that way
I speak a little. x3 I was in French Immersion for a few years, if that helps. French is such a beautiful language.
Oh hardy har. I just despise the Spanish language, actually I despise learning any new language. Darn conjugations.
I'm learning french at school, infact I've got a French test soon, and i havent even revised for it. :lol:
Euh, je vais avoir un examen finale la semaine prochaine. Est-ce qu'il y a quelqu'un qui parle francais très bien?
Ditto. No french here.... Spanish is more usefull if you're in North America...However if you're in europe it would probobly be usefull for you to learn french
I tried to learn French a few Months ago, I am not to good at it. I could try again when I am bored though, sometimes it sounds hilarious though.