Complete one of Illusen's Quest's on Illusen Day (March 17th). You cannot complete an Illusen Quest if you are on a Quest for Jhudora. You can only do one quest for either every 12 hours.
Quiguki April Fools Avatar Visit the News page 4 days after April Fools' Day.
Lohee the Darigan Pteri has reached the age of 644 days old exactly RIGHT NOW. This will expire soon, so pick it up while you can.
Liandra scored 123,000 in this week's challenge game: Whirlpool (SunnyNeo Guide) You also receive: 20,000 NP Koi Ocean Lord Crown Trophy Using the guide makes it super easy. Enjoy!
This is the lowest I've seen it go in a while (it's at least much lower than when I got mine). If you haven't gotten the avatar yet, now's your chance!