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Barack Obama- Good or not so good?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Fexxel, Feb 14, 2009.

  1. draze

    draze Level II

    Aug 11, 2009
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    I'm so glad you said that about the health care... All people hear is OOOOOOOOoooo, FREEEEE HEALTH CARE!!!?? It's a load... If you actually read about it, you will see it's not all you think it is... We have a decent health care system as it is (it could use A LOT of work in some areas) but in general it's not as bad as it could be... If you don't like it now, just wait... there will be "change" alright... I didn't vote for him because I don't vote for the "different" person i vote for the one closest to what i stand for... WE didn't have much of a choice this run, but he's there and doing his job now... I just can't stand those that say, "I like him because he stands for change" well, i'm pretty sure anyone that would have been elected would have been different that what we had before, and besides, he never said good change... The one decent "Change" that I heard from an early presidential candidate that ended up not making it to the "finals", so to speak, was a fair tax. this just makes since if you think about it... Yes, it would increase taxes on everything, but you have no income Tax... Why punish someone for earning and saving money? Charge people for what they spend, those that spend more would pay more taxes, I know it all levels out to some degree, but I would be all for paying extra taxes on frivolous stuff.

    As for some of the other stuff you said, I do agree the change does seem to be moving to less individual freedom and more government control. i guess we aren't capable of taking care of ourselves and we should have someone determine if we are worthy of living depending on how old we are (again with the health care and determining who should receive certain care based on expected life range) ***Steps off soapbox***

    sorry for the rant :)
  2. Lily

    Lily Level I

    Aug 22, 2009
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    Every politician lies and fills us with false hope. ;3 But I'm just thankful we have an intelligent leader now instead of one with the IQ of a monkey, and we don't look as foolish to the rest of the world. The president is largely controlled by his party/advisors/what have you anyway...