Mind you I've just started playing on a new account again, two week account, I've made 20mill total from maybe 4 months of igloo ABing, and I rs in garden, book and pharm, but I can't see anything above R.89 yet so its kinda hard to get iced like that.
hmm..a qns, did you get iced AFTER you got rs banned? meaning that your rs ban was lifted and you continued ABing? IMO, there is no safe shops to AB..set a safe refresh rate (5-8 or better).. do not go beyond 1hr each time, 3hrs per day for each account, you should be fine.. and don't go transferring your r99 the moment you get it..let that account rest and do smth legit (like posting on Neoboards, playing games) for a week or so..then you transfer the item..