i usually use expons autobuyer, acheteur ultimate, or just the igloo autobuyer. But you have to watch the programs. Every second of using counts as more percantage of freezing. But if you want low freeze rate and around 100k/200k (or more if you are lucky) i would recommened the igloo autobuyer. You could use the SS but i have heard that tnt does random review scores. So it might be that when you are actually scoring for example 50 with feed florg you have the chance of being reviewed. So the SS comes 2th in my opinion if you are looking at the freeze rate. For faster high amount of np and you have no fear in loosing your account i would recommend you to use an autoplayer.
It depends what you think is a good profit. And it also depends on your list. If you have a good list you could easily get 200k.