The best anti-virus is being smart about you download but if you need something for free I would have to reccomend AVG personal anti-virus. The memory usage is small, it updates frequently, and there is good live virus protection. Spyware; well thats another It served me just fine for a year before I discovered comcast customers receive mcafee for free
Actually it isnt free anymore and their free edition blows Try AVAST Home edition....Its quite good and finds just about everything, albeit is a tad slower than avg...But it has Instant messenger protection However, many programs will be heuristically categorized as a virus based on what they do (connect through certain ports). If you trust a program (many proxy progs show up as trojans) do not delete it! lol. Level Dos, After 6 months w00t
Bitlord for torrents Frostwire for Mp3's etc. I get my Downloads done fast and easy with these puppies.
azureus for all my downloads from movies to programs...I've tried limewire before but it is so slow :? ...though I think for music, the thing I use most is google search engine
i always used limewire but recently when i would try to download something there wouldnt be enough sources so i gave up on it and started using emule...its kinda confusing tho, so maybe ill use another, much easier program.