The Biq Banq can`t happen by itself. Obviously a supernatural force had to do that. I don`t care what God you believe in. Jesus Christ, Allah...whoever- you can`t say somethinq like that happened on it's own.[/url]
Wow. I really can't tell if that was an insult of my intelliqence or what. I'm not retarded, thanks. To answer your question though, yes I understand how it works. I never said that the Biq Banq didn't happen. But you have to admit that nothinq especially somethinq on such a huqe scale can't happen on it's own without some sort of supernatural presence beinq involved. Now, all due respect, not to intrude or anythinq but what is your position on reliqion? Meaninq- what are your thouqhts on a God/ Gods?
sorry about that, didnt mean to come off like that. I just dont like it when ppl argue this arguement for god and not know all the theories. One of them is that the big bang is a reoccuring cycle, that right now our universe is expanding but eventually it will stop and implode condesing all matter into an infinitly dense and infinitly small point. This will have soo much energy that it will again explode with that tremendous force. That is a logical theory that involves such an explosion without the involvement of supernatural force. Then you may ask...well how did all this start then? Supernatural forces must have created the original matter that is found in the big bang. (im not insulting you im just saying ppl say it). This again can be answered using string theory and quantum physics. Now this is still a theory but it is mathematically supported BUT it still can be wrong and god can be correct, but that also applies vice versa. I'm just saying that it doesnt make sense to me when people try to comepletely disprove the concept of "no god" without knowing all other possibilities.
It's cool, thanks for the apology though. It's appreciated . And I understand what you're saying also. I definitely believe that the theory is true, though. 8)
well guys u can sit here and argue and it seems like a lot more ppl argue for God but the poll suggests otherwise??..either way we have no proof to be either true
well go to It'll show you how to comprehend the existence of 10 dimensions (find the flash movie). There's also a movie called "what the bleep do we know" that explains the observer theory in physics. Now just knowing THOSE two theories will open your mind up ALOT, and that will lead to a fun arguement involving god (the observer theory involves god).
+ what can explode if theres nothing to begin with... + there was an extremely famous professor which I met (he's Christian) he told me this logical thing... which was complicated but the end result was that ACCORDING TO LOGIC, THERE HAS TO BE A GOD...
there are tons of supposed logical proofs for God existing but so far all of them are easily picked apart and all are flawed. I dont understand why it is so impossible to imagine that the universe simply exists - and has existed - forever without ever being created or destroyed. the life of the universe is not like a human life - it has no definite beginning or end. the big bang doesnt suggest the creation of matter in the universe - it just explains how the matter that was already there got set into the current patterns and motions.
PLease think about these fact -When did the idea god came about? Personal answer: Ancient people do not understand much about science and they think it is supernatural and cre8ed the idea of god. It is then passed on to many generations after generations. -If there is Big Bang that means there is Big Crush, which later would result in another Big Bang (for more info google it). It is a cycle and each cycle takes billions or trillions of years or even much more. And u cant be sure if there are other human being in other planet in other systemin other galaxy or even aliens(i think we shouldnt call them these coz they call us alien thats wad i believe) some of them not yet evolved and develop while some are much more developed than us.
Big Band All the way. God is like the easter bunny, a mythical little creature our parents created to get our hopes up, because I doubt they'd want their kids to believe that death is the actual end.
I absolutly have no idea. Honestly. I'm totally confused about "Darwin" and "God" and "Big Bang". I know I should, but for some reason I just can't bring myself to care either. Whatever happened, happened. All we can do is learn from our mistakes, and I don't think evolution or creation or "bang" was a mistake. =P
I'm an evolution kinda guy. I believe that we started from the Big Bang and everything started out at single cells and eventually grew from there causing the earth to what we know it today. There is so much that support this and I don't know why people still say that's not how it happened. Evolution is a part of life, evolution is a part of what you see outside. A prime example...the cave man. We don't look like cavemen, do we? No we don't we have evolved to stand taller and more upright and have evolved to be taller to begin with. It's a natural state in nature. Another example is, we don't need our wisdom tooth so you know what is going on right now? Babies are being born without them. Yes we are experiencing evolution right this minute everyday. You just don't see it because it happens really slow. There are so many many things to support this, and I hate to say it people but yes we've evolved from monkeys, the only reason we can't PROVE it, is because of "The Missing Link" the one animal that would prove we came from the ape family...Big Foot. A standing upright full haired mammal. That's the only thing keeping this debate from going one sided. Until that's proven I guess this debate will still exist for many years to come. That's my opinion, please don't fall asleep reading it haha :lol:
I agreed, but your second paragraph became kind of retarded. We actually didnt come from monkeys, we're barely related to them. If anything its gorillas, and we didn't come from gorillas, us and gorillas came from the same thing. And no....bigfoot is pushing it.
It's too easy to say God created everything... and you don't have to use too many braincells to say that... but to try and understand the big bang theory, the expanding universe, and evolution and how we got to this point takes a lot of knowledge and understanding. People are inherently lazy and don't really like to think when they don't have too. I don't question anyones right to believe what they think... I believe in free choice. and that's my two sense