spam-corner-f35/ Oops. I thought this was Level V chat. Seriously, these posts don't count towards your post count, I don't get FC for this, and none of my posts were "dskbgsdfghb". And to avoid getting slapped... Spoiler
It's a long story. Basics are that I sent her an angry PM first, it's true, but I did so because she "accidently accepted another offer" on the giveaway lot and then didn't bother to tell me.
awww ang is gone i don't care if i'm not one of the "three people you liked" or whatever and i know we haven't talked in the last few months but i'll still miss seeing you around good luck in real life
*cough* Me, myself and I *cough* Anyway, I thought I saw Ang in Tasmania. But I probably didn't. BYE. And this thread was interesting <3
Even when giving us the finger, you're still rockin' ! Too bad you're gone ! I'm always missing everything.