It's funsors. Where are you questing? inb4 soc informs us that the only thing lamer than WoW is his face. <3
i know its off topic but theres a radio station around me that does wow (whip it out Wednesday) and i cant stop myself from imagining that when people say they play wow. but carry on dont mind me.
NO! I played a little on launch night and then was so busy last week that I couldn't play at all. I leveled to 83and 3/4 yesterday though, so I guess I'll ding 85 today. Although, I don't know why I'm in such a rush. I hate the gear grind more than leveling. >.<
What's the address? I'd like to read it via Google translate. Two bars from 85, but my eyes hurt, soooo I quit. -_-
Well, have you hit 85 yet? I'm headed home for the holidays so I'm restricted to using just my laptop until January 2nd. So I won't be playing a whole lot over the next two weeks. That should be plenty of time for you to hit 85 and faction change and transfer servers.