some guy sold his kidney over ebay i heard, but it got deleted. if i had only one kidney and i was on the waiting list for a new one, i would offer for it
why would a kidney lot get deleted? it seems to make sense.. and it helps saves lives doesnt it? :shock:
It is illegal because people who are desperate to live will do anything to prolong their life including pay ludicrous sums of money for kidneys, if they so need one.
I'd have to say yes...who thinks of that? Not only is it horrid, but you'd eat a human kidney...? I think that makes you a cannibal. :lol:
Dude what the hell is wrong with you? Yes it makes you a bad person. People die waiting for organ transplant every day. Go Die in A Fire. :x
why would you want to eat it? kidneys dont taste nice anyway. i cant stand the taste of animal organs. :shock:
How about selling your mouth for a day or such? They can tell you what to say and who to say it to, and you have to listen.
:lol: That's so absurd. How would they be able to enforce it unless they followed you around all day?
There was also one auction that I saw which sold a "haunted" Mrs Butterworth syrup bottle! They had a video of it where Mrs Butterworth moved LOL!