Kathisophobia- Fear of sitting down Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia- Fear of long words :lol: hahaa dunno...my most irrational fear was my sister's old doll, it used freak me out when I was a kid
I'm scared of zombies ._. I was only 6 or 7 when my cousin babysat me, and to keep me busy he stuck let me watch some nasty, scary zombie movie. Letting my brother convince me to play Doom 3 didn't help much either, for some reason I just keep thinking that zombies are going to come out of the dark one day.
I am most afraid of heights, high places, heights, man I hate high places. Also the moon is scary, lmao
At nighttime in my own house, especially the bath room. xD I'm always afraid that I'll turn around or turn a corner or pull back the shower curtain and the girl from the ring will be there, lol. I'm getting creeped out just thinking about it.
Open draws/cupboards/doors when i sleep. Spiders, tripping over kerbs. Also falling over and hitting my chin so i bite my tongue. But I think thats linked the the former kerb fear lol.