I don't go out the house very often. I stay at home, majority of my shopping is done online. I go out once a week if that.
i dont think i have any unreasonable fears. not that i know of at least im scared of being cheated on by my significant other. probably because its happened already zzz :|
spider (arachnophobia) and dentists (odontophobia). ugh... i just can't stand the thought of people poking around in my mouth, and getting shots in my gums. ick. i had to get fillings once for defects in two of my teeth, and i wouldn't take the shot, so my dentist did it without. that was not fun. :nope:
Bozo, if you have an issue, PM that person or report it to a mod. Don't spam up the board with crap kthanx. I had to get a root canal once , and I WISH they'd given me a anesthetic! My jaw felt like it was permanently unhinged. I felt pretty bad for the dentist- I was moaning and squirming and whining and kept trying to move my mouth.
wowww... yeah, root canals scare the crap out of me. gold star for you for making it out alive, 'cause i doubt i would have. xD
Hights..... lol I hate thinking about me splattering on the ground like a bug..... and the long words one is funny, but if I didn't know what it meant, I would think it was about Hippos lol
Ahahaha people with fears of long words can even say the scientidic name of their fear without shivering I bet.
"I have um...you know....that phobia." "Eh?" "You know, the long word phobia." "Huh?" "The h-phobia," "What?" "Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia! *siezure* "