I find this game pretty easy, I almost had it in the first try until I choked right before. it was pretty awkward for me you can be aggressive, or you can just go back and forth until they do something stupid. It will always happen I didn't know about the code, but I also wouldn't recommend it just because that's usually how the other faerie dies
Daily Dare Day 25 Game: Petpet Plunge Game ID: 1078 AAA Score: 500 Abigail Score: 50 AAA Prize: Shell Hair Clip Abigail Prize: Users Guide to Underwater pools SS Advice: post351442.html#p351442 - It took me on my first attempt 260ish seconds to complete this game... And I was using the guide - So could be done quicker I'd imagine. My Advice: Well there is not a lot I can say... This guide says it all and has pictures of where to shoot the petpet.. I suggest following it http://www.neopets.com/~Quickelle - And no, its not mine. Just one I came across while on the Daily Dare Board on neopets
Daily Dare Day 26 Game: Shenkuu Tangram Game ID: 1075 AAA Score: 2400 Abigail Score: 200 AAA Prize: Tangram Bonsai Abigail Prize: Tangram Sandwich SS Advice: post351442.html#p351442 - It took me roughly 10 minutes 30 seconds (630 seconds roughly...) to get a score of 2700ish. My Advice: Well my advice is short and sweet today. The game fairly easy. If you're having any trouble here is an excellent guide with help with what shapes fit where: http://www.neopets.com/~Crayonz - Guide is not mine. It was posted on neoboards and I looked at it. It's really good! Follow that, or learn that and play it in hard and you shouldn't have any problems getting it. For personal advice, play on normal and its even easier. Don't wait for each piece to load, just click them where they are so they go into the box below it.. That way u can choose what piece you want to start with/use at each time. I think it made it easier to work it out because I could see what pieces I had and where they could fit. You can use mouse or space bar to rotate the pieces to get them to fit. The Blue one sometimes needs to be "mirrored", to do this hit the up arrow. Down arrow makes it normal again. This is in the instructions, but if you're like me you failed to read them an then wondered why it wouldn't fit Hopefully you read this
Daily Dare Day 27 Game: Wicked Wocky Wobble Game ID: 881 AAA Score: 250 Abigail Score: 40 AAA Prize: Wallace Plushie Abigail Prize: Wallace Bobblehead SS Advice: post351442.html#p351442 - FINALLY got around to doing this. Based on my playing time, approx 120 seconds to get a score to qualify. The score will vary based on what items you get... My Advice: Yaaay another game with a code! If you type 'wocky' while playing the game, as long as you have at least 4 items in your pile a buzzer will drop down. If you get it to land on your pile, it will freeze your pile making it easier for you to collect items. Only once per game though. Now... there is an easy way to get the score requried, but it can take a while. Just wait until you get one of the following items: or These will give you... about 100 points each, so a good jump towards getting the AAA score... However, they are obviously rarer than the other items so... May take a while to pop up. (unless like me you get it in the first game you play ) However, if you can't be bothered waiting its not really that hard. just don't try to catch everyone. Start on one worth a reasonable amount.. Then just focus on keeping it steady... eventually more will fall in the area you're walking and will build your pile up. You don't get penalized for letting them hit the ground!!! So dont worry about getting them all.. If a drackonack or errrm, I think its a warf pop up on your screen.. they will stop you from passing.. I tend to like them though... because if you're pile is about to fal you can STILL walk into that warf or drakonack and it will let you walk into it to mvoe your pile back... Stay away from the edges of the game page though... you cannot keep walking into that to bring your pile back to center. I actually found it easier with my laptop touch pad than a mouse If you have any real difficulties I will try to help... And will post SS advice tommorrow. However, since the game is based on luck of what falls, times will vary for anyone. could probably get the requried score pretty fast if the good items fall. Oh for a list of item point values, either I'll post one tommorrow or look around on the neoboards. There was alot when I looked just now. P.S - I bumped this because I edited my initial post from yesterday which I had here so I didn't double post... If that makes sense So bumped it so people saw the new info
this game is really glitchy on my computer but managed to get it but yeah do not like this game at all
Daily Dare Day 28 Game: Darigan Dodgeball Game ID: 1139 AAA Score: 1750 Abigail Score: 400 AAA Prize: Spiky Darigan Mirror Abigail Prize: Spiky Darigan Candle Holder SS Advice: post351442.html#p351442 - 17.5 seconds = 1750 points. Basically, the amount of secodns you survice x 100 points = the formula for this game. My Advice: Wow... What can I say? Stay away from the edges, and don't hti anything. Survive for 17.5 seconds to score exactly 1750 which is AAA's Score. I guess if you struggle, could always use a flash game slower, like cheat engine But not sure if thats detectable. Just learn the paths, and you should be fine. No codes... no other advice I can offer. Just luck of where they bounce and how good you are. I found it easier moving in a circle type motion EDIT: VERY IMPORTANT TIP.. Be very careful if you die near the right side of the page. you may automatically send your score... I did
I found this surprisingly difficult considering I have a score higher than that in the game. I guess it's just the pressure haha it's also the first time I've played it on this computer
Ty for the daily updates for DD Junior. ^^ I'm terrible at flash games, so I'll just settle for Abigail most of the time because I have no patience for these things. xD
Daily Dare Day 29 Game: Turmac Roll Game ID: 366 AAA Score: 600 Abigail Score: 80 AAA Prize: Turmac Sushi Roll Abigail Prize: Turmac Ice Lolly SS Advice: post351442.html#p351442 - Eeew I lost my original post. But the times are on ym SS List. Can take anywhere from about 50 seconds up to 300 seconds. Depends on what berries you get. My Advice: Easy = Score x1 Medium = Score x2 Hard = Score x3 I forgot what else I had written here.. I accidently edit this instead of the new post Fairly sure all I advise is, play on hard. and make sure you get the aquaberry, because on hard thats 600 points right there
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo for darigan doge ball i chose abgail, but i was fully capable of getting aaa all along!!!!!!!!!!
Daily Dare Day 30 Game: Faerie Bubbles Game ID: 358 AAA Score: 925 Abigail Score: 100 AAA Prize: Faerie Bubble Necklace Abigail Prize: earth Faerie Bubble Bouncy Ball SS Advice: post351442.html#p351442 - TO BE UPDATED My Advice: Yaay for lots of codes! Spoiler bubbles: Turns all bubbles into one color. slumberberry: Brings your bubbles all the way up to the top of the screen. faerieland: Gives you a rainbow bubble. stardust: Gives you a nova bubble More advice tomorrow... If I remember
pretty easy once I remembered I wasn't trying to save all the codes for later levels to get the unattainable avatar
Ah, finally a game that is not new. Half of the games on the Daily Dare I haven't even heard of until I played them because of my break from Neopets. >>