ya, I see what you mean. There are a grand total of 11 games I remember from before I lost my old account how many more days of this are there?
Daily Dare Day 31 Game: Ultimate Bullseye II Game ID: 903 AAA Score: 65 Abigail Score: 10 AAA Prize: Ultimate Bulls Eye II Bullseye Rug Abigail Prize: Ultimate Bulls Eye II Shish Kabob SS Advice: post351442.html#p351442 - This game takes approximately 1 minute to play... The score varies on how good you are, but the time doesn't change... My Advice: Yay for games with codes, type "catapult" in at some point in the game and you will receive a free random power-up. Only works once... Okay so now you know what the power-ups do! That's important! Now there are 3 more things in the game that can give good score. A red balloon, which if hit with the arrow is worth 5 points. If you hit the balloon and then land on the board also, you get an extra 25 points, + whatever the ring you land in is worth. There are also gold balloons. If hit with an arrow they are worth 10 points, then if you hit the board as well you get an extra 25 points, plus whatever the ring you hit is worth. So lots of point to be earnt here There is also Punchbag bob, with an apple on his head. Worth 5 points if you hit bob, but a bullseye of 25 points if you hit the apply on his head. Now that we know all that, strategy time!! First off, start the game and type in the code "Catapult" - This will give you a random powerup which u can see in your power-up bar along the bottom. Fingers crossed you got a good one Personally, I prefer the fire ring as it gives 2x your score. Now doesn't matter if you stuff up your first shot.. The second shot, select the powerup that you got from the code... Use it and hope for the best. Best case scenario is fire ring + one or two balloons on screen and the target in a good position. That alone is enough to beat AAA. However, if that doesn't happen, just play the game out. You might get some lucky shots in. The multipe arrow is also an okay one if you have balloons Unfortunately you have to pick the powerup before the level starts but... meh! I don't really know what else I can say.. so GOODLUCK! If you need more help let me know
I was so out of practice with that game simply because it's always been too laggy to run on my computer and I couldn't use my parents anymore. My high score was close to 100 (still no avatar) but it was really difficult for me to get the required score mvp goes to the three arrow shot that I got very lucky to pull right when I had a gold balloon
Couldn't be bothered practicing up to AAA's score. == Settled for Abigail instead. Ty for the guide though Junior <3
Ugh I made the mistake of challenging AAA for UB but I suckkkk loved the old one guess I'll be at this for hours!
Daily Dare Day 32 FINAL DAY!! Game: Kass Basher Game ID: 381 NOTE: DOUBLE DARE CHALLENGE AAA Score: 800 Abigail Score: 90 AAA Prize: Loaf of Bread Bat Abigail Prize: Kass Eye Shadow Set Double Dare Prize: Both the above items SS Advice: post351442.html#p351442 - The game took me approximately 10 seconds to get a score of 1000ish. My Advice: Haha, what a game to end Daily Dare on! One of the easiest and all time greatest games in my opinion. AND its a double dare so bonus. Now, there are no fancy cheats, or not fancy tricks that will help. MY advice is short and sweet. Start the game... Either way until the wind is at 9 (not -9!!). Usually, if you start on 5 wind or 7 win, it will go up. If it goes down... just click or hit space bar and let the kass hit the floor. Then restart and try again... Once its at 9 win, click so the kass jumps off the tree, then time your swing and hit the kass.. WHEN YOU CLICK TO HIT THE KASS, HOLD THE MOUSE BUTTON/SPACE BUTTON DOWN! This is very important. Now, release that button when the kass JUST stops going up and starts to level out... that way you glide further instead of dropping fast... Now, al you have to do from here is either hit space or the mouse button as it hits the floor, if done correctly the kass will bounce and ultimately go further. It is possible to bounce a total of 5 times if done correctly. this can take some practice, but once mastered you'll have no trouble unlocking the other bats, and getting a score of 800. The highest score possible is 1185. The only other thing in the game is a random event. Every so often instead of the bat you selected, you'll have the tree that the kass usually jumps out of as your bat.. If you get that, and manage to hit the kass you will soar high and far and achieve a score much higher than the 1185 that's available with the normal bats. This is a great game that I love, so if anyone is having any difficulties then PM or post and I'll do what I can to assist. GOODLUCK on the final daily dare challenge game of 2010
Aaah this is finally finished! Just want to say Thank you to everyone for putting up with me posting these every day! Also a big thank you to LightTiger for making the thread.. Sorry that I took over and posted it every day.. My bad It's been fun, hope you all got a lot out of this topic and get good trophies/prizes. Cheers! Oh and I will update it with a prize guide once they've been confirmed
lol i didn't know that the last day is today ! erm..we must complete at least Abigail in order to receive prizes right? i only have one account that has completed all the challenges so far..awww
lol yeah..its 24 mins past midnight for neopets time.. guess i only have one account that will get prizes..and its some crappy prizes..
Yes... yes they are! Daily Dare 2010 Prizes Trophies:Here are the trophies, highest at the top left.. lowest at bottom right. Like this: Prizes:The prizes are as followed: There was also some prizes if you did the NC Game Challenges.. However, since I've not included that information anywhere else here I've left the info out for this last post. Top Prize: If you got the top trophy, you should get a claim page like below, by going here: http://www.neopets.com/games/aaa/ Yes, thats right! Total reward = 400 NC, 500 NP's, (expected more than that!!!) and a side theme. Plus all of the prizes listed above.. which in my opinion, is awesome since I got the highest trophy
just 200 NC ya? not quite 400. but still pretty decent. Quite happy with this good prizes, and now I have nothing to distract me from my schoolwork!...except the negg festival
I was pleasantly surprised when I went to claim my prize for the Staff Challenge - I only got two right and I got 5000 NP and 3 items! Sweet!