o man this game takes forever ive been playing for 15 minuets and only have 7700 points there must be any easier way then doing 5 on 5 of
I did 5 on 5 in hard mode, got close to losing but finished with 29k in points after 10 minutes or so don't think review score is low for DD, just submit above required scoring for AAA but allow at least 15 minutes or 900seconds
I was going to let it go at least 20 min, I just wanted to make sure that AAAs score wasn't above the review score or anything.
Daily Dare Day 13 Game: Dueling Decks Game ID: 1182 AAA Score: 25000 Abigail Score: 1000 AAA Prize: Purple Head Bandana Abigail Prize: Nightsteed Plushie My Advice: Use the above advice given... Or Score send. This game sucks EDIT: Once you play through a few rounds.. you'll learn what cards have a better chance of winning / losing. I.E Roothless is a gaurenteed win if you go intel. He's got the highest intel out of everyone. Illusen is pretty average. Picking Courage or Charisma is a safe bet most of the time Bruno = Intel Garin = Charisma Vira = Charisma Gorix = pretty crap all round. Intel is too low.. so try your luck wtih Courage or Charisma.. sometimes you might get lucky. Sloth = Intel Torakar = Courage Meerca Brothers = Charisma PRince = Crap all round... Charisma is best bet though. Captain Scarblade = Courage... his intel is fairly high too though. These are not all the players.. but just some. Generally if you pick the above choices you will win the round.. But sometimes knowing the worst are good picks too.. That way you can keep the other player with more cards/get their cards back up. It's not a hard game if you paly on medium difficulty... Just gotta be lucky and use some inteligence when choosing Score Sending Advice: This game took me 37.5 minute to complete on medium difficulty with a score of approx 27,000. IF you do score send for it, ensure you only do multiples of 50.. Since that's what it goes up in at the minimum. GOODLUCK!
because I have the silver trophy and have been trying to get the gold, I did the smart thing and I wrote out all the names on cards and kept track of where everyone was, that way I would be able to know what stat would win and what would lose. for only 25k it's not that relevant, but my last score was 176k, and that's when you want to know where everything is
All right, 500 in Carnival of Terror? Easy peasy. Type custard once per game to receive a health boost. Type piecrust once per game to increase ammo. You probably won't need custard at all, so at the start of the game just type piecrus and press the t when you're low on ammo. Try to shoot the clocks, you might need two or three to last till 500. Aim for the heads first, then bodies.
Daily Dare Day 14 Game: Carnival of Terror Game ID: 902 AAA Score: 500 Abigail Score: 175 AAA Prize: Carnival of Terror Clown Hand Puppet Abigail Prize: Carnival Pie Baking Set My Advice: I can't really beat Commy! Excellent advice including the codes. Use them and its a fairly easy one to get. Im not a fan of this game either, but on my first attempt I got 350 ish and I wasn't even trying. So I'm sure in the morning when I wake up I'll be able to get it.
Easy game ^^ So far so good with beating AAA up! Too bad I didn't get any of the Staff guessing right though, lol.
I suck at the staff tourney it turns out. I guessed on 2 of my sides as well as my main, and in all 3 I had Tahiti Jones in last place. just a little off there it turns out I feel a little better knowing that LightTiger named Lawyerbot as first place though. we all suck at this
Wheeeee c: Today's challenge was pretty easy to beat AAA. Now I'm going to complete for my sister. Fun c:
thanks for the codes! once i knew those, it was a piece of cake, but before that I kept falling just barely short of AAA's score.
I was even able to get the avatar based on that advice, although it was quite the pain and I wouldn't recommend it to others. scoresending is just better
EDIT: Didn't want to double post, but had to update this, so I deleted original post and bumped the topic. Daily Dare Day 15 Game: Pterattack Game ID: 587 AAA Score: 1500 Abigail Score: 70 AAA Prize: Pteradactyl Plushie Abigail Prize: Tyrannian Hut My Advice: There are no codes that I'm aware of.. However my advice is simple. Play the game a few times... try the different power-ups out. there are 4 different levels of power-ups. I personally prefer the fireball looking one. Level 1 = one ball. Level 2 = 2 balls. level 3 = 3 balls. Level 4 = 3 waves. To start off only shoot the brown pteris, as they are one shot kills and give power-ups. Once you get to the power-up you want (for this i'll use fireball, as I know what they do), KEEP IT. Level 1 power-up will kill brown with one hit. Green with two? Sometimes 1 I think. Keep only getting the brown ones, trying to keep your score down for now, below 200 so you don't go to level 2. Eventually you should get another fireball, get it. Now you have two fireballs shooting out, however it doesn't shoot directly in front. So be careful of that. Now you will kill the brown and green with one shot. Keep doing this and trying to hit brown, until you get another fireball. Now you shoot 3 balls of fire in front of you. Hold down space and stick to a side, being careful of the grarrl and you will kill pretty much anything that gets in your way. You'll eventually get another fireball fireup (hopefully) which will give you the final level of the pwoer-up, which spits out 3 waves in front of you, killing everything up to err, a BLUE? pteri in one shot.. hold space, stick to a side and ensure you avoid the other power-ups.. if you're lucky, this will get you the required score for AAA. It is very important to chose your power-up early on in the game and stick to it. If you change during a later level you are pretty much done. Also, if you lose any lives before level 2 restart... might even be worth restarting if you lose any before level 3 You do gain more lives as you go along, but you'll need as many as possible because in the higher levels they come really fast and sometimes you will not kill them all As for score sending: I forgot to time myself. However the scores appear to go up by 5 (looking at the highscore board). Like always, if score sending, play a game legit. Time yourself. Get the time you have, and the score you have. Work out how many times u need to multiply that to get a score needed. multiply the time by that and you should be safe to score send Okay.. Im going to bed. Just got home from work, its now 4.30am.. Hope this helps someone, because it took a while to type Apologies for typos, half asleep!
got it on first try today, usually I hate this game with a passion my advice, go with red powerups, unless you can't get 4, then try purple stay to one side and weave your way in and out of harm's way
took me two tries because I got hit by a powerup before I had time to get out of the way when I was just a little bit short. still, definitely one of the easier ones
Haha I completely forgot about the staff tournament.. I just checked though - I've got 0 out of 15 Yaay go me.. thats what happens when you do the "random pick" feature