20/09/11 One year ago, all of the faeries were: Answer: Petrified Prize: 300 NP and a Cherry-tastic Faerie Pie
24/09/11 Which region has sold the most Neohome 2.0 properties to satisfied customers? Answer: Faerieland Prize: 350 NP
27/09/11 According to the Bori Mage TCG card, where does Bori magic come from? Answer: Crystals Prize: 375 NP
30/09/11 To make your Neopet look like Xandra, you would need a: Answer: Speckled Paint Brush Prize: 450 NP
03/10/11 Quick, to the Rainbow Pool! Which Grarrl colour has horns like the Darigan Grarrl? Answer: Faerie Prize: 300 NP
06/10/11 Which answer is double, less than, and half the other answers? We find it helps to do cartwheels. Answer: 2 Prize: 400 NP
07/10/11 *gets out microscope* Hmmm, which is smallest? Answer: Itsy Bitsy Tiny Snowball Prize: 425 NP
08/10/11 It's party time and we're making CPMPB Pizza! What does NOT go on our pizza of awesome? Answer: Chia pops Prize: 350 NP