What do Torchio, the Auctioneer, and the Lab Ray Scientist have in common? Answer: Scorchios Prize: 400 NP and a Red Scorchio Plushie
Where can Illusens Bottled Magic be purchased? Meridell That is correct! You win 390 NP and Illusens Bottled Magic. Way to go!
Along with Gif'n, this Chomby is the inventor of Tyrannian Mini Golf: Answer: Milo Prize: 450 NP and a Yellow Chomby Gnome
What is the only real item in Neopia with random in its name? Answer: Randomly Firing Freeze Ray Prize: 320 NP
The host of Godori is not only a Shenkuu sailor, but also a: Answer: Shoyru Prize: 333 NP and a Rainbow Shoyru Plushie