frozen Ive been frozen a few times since my main was frozen. Ive been abing with expon's aber and i havent been frozen yet. I usually set my refresh at 10secs.
i use the igloo ABer (can't afford the msab) for a few months now, and not yet iced..there are more chances of getting iced in main shop ABers?
Bad luck lolneofriend, TNT probably didnt have any definate info on you but just froze you for the hell of it. That's what they seem to be doing to everyone atm.
damn right they are, my newbie account which i never used got iced. for abing, i have never even bought anything on that account, and they say i am, i think its cos ip address. a tip from me is, DONTuse 2 browsers for 2 accounts, always delete cookies, and when abing, dont go on neopets.
I just think you had bad luck because I've been using the Super ABer since December and I've only been frozen once and that's what I accidentally fell asleep over night and left it on in the stamp shop. Of course they froze all the accounts on my IP but the next day I had another account and I've been fine. I also use Firefox to log into one account and IE to log into another if I ever want to do anything on the site while it's ABing and I seem to have no problem. I always set my REF RATE between 6 and 13 seconds and I seem to have no problem getting good stuff.
well if you have recently sold an account to someone on this site, and they abed with the account that you sold them, you can very easily be chain iced as well, because tnt has records of your ip logging into that account, so they assume its yours, and chain ice you