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Death Penalties

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by goncalo, May 8, 2007.

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  1. Fendi

    Fendi Level IV

    Apr 9, 2007
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    Amy Winehouse's Beehive

    Sometimes people will sacrifice themselves for a loved one who would face the death penalty or someone could say if you don't say you did it we kill your family. You can never be truly sure if someone committed a crime unless you actually watched it. And I doubt many murders happen before a judge.
  2. Virre

    Virre Level IV

    Nov 30, 2006
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    I don't even see the point in death penalties.
    Killing someone is horrible, and that's the reason of the death penalty.
    But it's a complete paradox that doesn't work out.
    It's like saying that rapists should be raped.
    An eye for an eye is not the morally right way to go.
  3. dragonballfan

    dragonballfan Level III

    Mar 15, 2007
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    they need to make it so if you kill someone you have to pay at least 50 yrs in jail 20 yrs is not right they will just get out and they might just kill more people. you can't change someone by making them wait it just makes them want to kill more.
  4. punkeydew

    punkeydew Level IV

    Feb 28, 2007
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    how about life in solitary confinement
  5. onprogus

    onprogus Level IV

    Apr 11, 2007
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    So basically you are condonning toture? Because that would send someone insane.
  6. Fendi

    Fendi Level IV

    Apr 9, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Amy Winehouse's Beehive

    If they are a threat to society they are a threat to other inmates so this would be for the good of everyone. If you ask me you have to be crazy to kill someone. I say 50 years minimum start out in solitary confinement if they behave they can get out to normal jail. Solitary confinement isn't torture especially compared to the electric chair!
  7. FastBullet

    FastBullet Level IV

    Feb 7, 2007
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    I personally think that the methods in the Middle Ages were quite fun and with positive results. Until the Church took the power of the monarch and replaced it with their own ...things (i can't find a word suitable for them)

    No people should be killed no people should be put in jail just torture them until they learn their lesson and if they don't then let them die by starving to death. It's a pleasant feeling to know that i didn't killed him, his own attitude did. ;)
  8. Virre

    Virre Level IV

    Nov 30, 2006
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    Yeah, because that would really work well on people who are wrongly sentenced. :roll:
  9. Billy

    Billy Level IV

    Feb 21, 2007
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    :shock: :shock: :shock: not in the U.S. at least

  10. ali913xx

    ali913xx Level III

    Mar 11, 2007
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    Miami, FL
    To address the earlier argument of cost being a pro for the DP, this is not the case since executions ($2mill) cost more then life time imprisonment (500k).

    If you look at the criminals who are convicted, it is almost always those who were raised in abusive environments, or impoverished situations. We do practically nothing to remove them from the anger filled environments, yet we blame them and hold the DP over their head when they make decisions that are resentful and angry. Obviously although this is unfair, its just how life works and cannot truly be used as an argument for anti DP.

    Basically, who gets sentenced to be killed is pure luck. If you are wealthy enough afford a great lawyer, lucky you you'll live. If you're poor and can't afford good representation and get a court-appointed lawyer, you're screwed. How can this this be considered fair when there are lives at stake? Sure in principal the DP is fair and efficient, but it is not executed as such since who gets sentenced to death is based on wealth and the competence of the lawyer.
  11. Fendi

    Fendi Level IV

    Apr 9, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Amy Winehouse's Beehive

    George Bush crapped all over that because he let terrorist suspects be water tortured. And the electric chair is a rather cruel punishment.
  12. Billy

    Billy Level IV

    Feb 21, 2007
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    Re: ^^

    thats why they dont use it in the u.s anymore
  13. punkeydew

    punkeydew Level IV

    Feb 28, 2007
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    They have to already be insane to murder someone. So yes.

    And I think that they deserve it. They need punishment.. and like I said... Prison is hardly a punishment anymore.
  14. 12345678900rye

    12345678900rye Level I

    Mar 24, 2007
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    It's frowned upon my religion. I personally don't like it.
  15. petunia

    petunia Level II

    Apr 15, 2007
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    Texas, US
    I agree with everything you said, especially the second paragraph.
    Also, I didn't know that the death penalty actually costs more than lifetime imprisonment. That's interesting to know. It changes my thoughts on some things.
  16. mash

    mash Level II

    Dec 6, 2006
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    in no way do i condone the death penalty for 5 reasons

    1. take america for example(i studied this in geog) this country is the 6th highest user of the death penalty but has one of the highest murder numbers in the world, now to me the death penalty aint seeming like very much of a deterrant.

    2. if they were to be kept alive until they die of natural causes i would imagine that they would be haunted with what they have done for the rest of their natural lives...unless they get off on the thought of it in which case disregard that.

    3. has anyone seen the life of david gale? if not its about a guy on death row who has only about a week to live as the state are going to kill him by lethal injection. he was sentenced to death after a video tape was found of basically his girlfriend dying.a reporter comes along to map out his life then starts to believe hes innocent and finds a much fuller copy of the tape which shows the girlfriend doing everything to herself, and jus as shes about to get to the jail house hes killed. what im getting at is innocent people will and do get the CP and therefore its a far wrong thing to do.

    4. its morally wrong, i think if its an eye for an eye then the guy who pushes the switch/gives the injection should die if thats the case - it just doesnt cut it for me.

    5.why in the hell should the prisoner(assuming they did do what they did) be granted the gift of a swift death, the victim wasnt granted that so why should they be?
  17. hinro2

    hinro2 Newbie

    May 11, 2007
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    Reasons to toast people who did any crime larger than jaywalking instantly.

    1: The law is just that, not a guide line, not a suggetion but telling someone DO NOT DO IT. while they willingly break it they can be tortured.

    2: In America it takes some 10 years or so before someone is put to death so it is in no way "swift"

    3: Why waste space and time on them? People pay for rapist and murders to live on because killing them is the easy way out. You might as well just gave your paycheck to any rapist you see around.

    4: Sooner or later a member of your family will be murdered/raped/kidnapped and you will want the criminal to die in revenge.

    5: People don't just stay "haunted" forever, most of the people don't care what they did to the people you cared about.

    6: A movie is just that, a movie.

    7: Making excuses will not change what horrible acts they have commited. That whole bad childhood crap don't fly.

    Now with a few reasons listed now i can move on to some of the other posts made here. someone said "So basically you are condonning toture?"
    and to this i can only answer yes, yes, yes, a million times yes. Putting kids in time out does nothing so why would it work on an adult?

    2 mil an execution is not as muh as it costs to keep the people in prison for life. There is the cost of transportion from one prison to another when said prison becomes too full to operate. Building new prisons to house said convicts that should have died long ago. Guards have to be paid to keep inmates from killing each other. Immense security systems have to be put in place to keep those evil people away from you. and oh so many more payments.

    I hear arguments about cruel punishments and i wonder why they don't notice that it is cruel to keep a person just begining their adult life imprisoned for life. spending some 70 years locked in a cage is cruel is it not?

    The electric chair is torture? it lasts maybe 10 seconds. They are alive just long enough to feel a weak zap.

    wow um....that went a lot logner than i thought it would
  18. Fendi

    Fendi Level IV

    Apr 9, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Amy Winehouse's Beehive

    1.) People can be punished not tortured! And no one is saying murderer should run free everyone agrees with punishment!

    2.) That makes it even worse waking up every morning wondering if your going to die today. This is torture.

    3.) You have to pay either way their jail costs or death costs.

    4.)Sooner or later... How often do these things happen where you live? Because in the UK not that many people get murdered. And getting revenge dosn't give you closure anyway.

    5.) These people are called Effectionless Psychopaths and need psychological help before they murder/steal ect.

    6.) This is true

    7.) Yes committing a crime is your own fault but everything you do in life has been effected by previous experiences. If you commit a crime you go to jail it's just a shame a psychologist couldn't get to them before they commit a crime.

    If you were wrongly convicted of murder and you were about to be tortured I wonder what you would say then.

    And to a previous person the electric chair is still in use in fact one state ONLY uses the electric chair. Wiki it.

    I can't believe someone was hanged in the US in 1996!
  19. mash

    mash Level II

    Dec 6, 2006
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    woop woop thank you fendi!!

    and its a load of bull that families want revenge..i think if u look into some of the famous trials, tha families of the victims in closing statements forgive the murderer for what they have done
  20. tac123

    tac123 Level I

    Apr 29, 2007
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    LOL. I thought it was great when he included point 6 in there, but it was even better how fendi was debating his every point, and then all of a sudden was like "this one's right".
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