Yea.. I was already incredibly intoxicated and I got really really dirty > Think I fell over a few times? Not sure... I don't remember it too much. I got taken into the shower.. and washed! (cha ching!) I took me beer with me apparently XD Based on the morning after, yup. Beer + Spa = fffffunn!
Um, weirdly enough - no. I sing when I do everything else, though. Cleaning, driving, running etc : D But nah, in the shower I'm just showering.. I do usually turn on the radio or TV while if it counts for anything ?
I really enjoy taking naps in the shower. For some odd reason our shower has a seat in it. I'm moving soon and i am soooo going to miss my shower chair.
I sing in the shower. usually to music, but occasionally I don't have music and just sing anyway and forget all the words ;-; I also eat in the shower. Whatever I can think of, usually, that I won't mind getting all wet... and I'm paranoid about not getting any soap on it, because soap makes me want to vomit D: I tend to drink a lot of grape kool-aid and soda in the shower, for whatever reason. I wish there were more foods that would be tasty all wet. I also have a thing for brushing my teeth in the shower. I brush them twice as much because I'm not afraid to drool toothpaste foam all over myself and I chew gum in bed. and sing while I drive. I sing along to music... and I've only got 3 CDs in my car xD I need to burn some more, I'm getting tired of singing those songs, considering I rarely listen to one of the CDs and I've only got it because it's the only music my brothers will tolerate... lol.