Played the flute for 4 years (primary school made me play it) and played the violin 5 years, I didn't like both instruments but I played both well.
I know a lot of people who have played flute for school and have not liked it. I wonder what it is about the flute that people don't like?
it is high and makes you short of breath. I am in 8th grade and I have a chance at making the sophmore band when I go to high school I just hope I can do good in the auditions
Well.. Well, I play the trumpet (1-2 Years). The Acustic, and Electric guitar (About 3 years now.). The violin wich I hate :evil: (There is NO point in even discussing the violin further). And the Piano, wich I love Just like the trumpet (6 Years :twisted: ). P.S. If you are wondering why I play so many instruments, my older brother has been playing instruments for atleast 20 years (All types of instruments), so he just got me HOOKED. P.S.S. The flute rocks, I'm currently learning .
^Lol. Wanna at least get the spelling of your instrument right. I've played the piano for 11 years now o_o
Speaking of drums: I just got a new Double Kick Yamaha kick pedal the other day for $250. I love it! Sensitive and loud. If you don't have a double kick I reccommend you get one.
ive just started learning to play on a guitar but im having trouble because this is my bro's guitar, im left handed and the guitar's strings are set for right handed ppl so its kinda hard.
i play the ukulele. and yes i live in Hawaii and i love it. been playing for about a good 4-5 years now. Im pretty good at it