we had an ice storm here about 5 days ago and some schools in the area still don't have power, and as far as shoveling goes, i don't do it only cause we don't have much to shovel... so we take our chances of slipping haha
grr toronto is getting 30-40 cm of snow by the end of tom if only it was a school day but no i have to shovel snow on the weekend
Lucky you for having snow =P I saw snow in my city only five years ago (it lasted even 3 days!). I like snow... but I'd have to go near the mountains to see it :/
LOL, oh lucky you! But it's actually quite fun.. for skiing, toboganning, skating (well.. not on snow xD)
lol my only sledding experience I had was when I was about eight. we were sledding down a hill that had cars parked on the sides. Sled steered kinda odd; pushing on the left foot pad made it turn right, and vice versa. I was veering a bit close to a car and my passenger kept saying, "Left, Left!", meaning push with my left foot and turn us away from it. I took it as, "Turn Left!" and caused us to crash into the car before realising that turning left took us closer to it Edit* I was lucky it wasn't a very steep hill. We both shook it off and laughed about it after. lol
i live in california =D there isnt any snow. i wish it would snow sometimes though. but that sounds painful =O
i just wish that it would snow where i live at it did a few years ago but i was to little to play in it.
OMG AHHH. Canada/US was hit with a snow storm. I got like 30cm of snow or more.. luckily.. my neighbour did our driveway for us x___x