Lost is quite possibly one of the most intelligent shows. I'm so excited for next season, even though we have to wait half a yr (a lifetime pretty much). For anyone who doesn't watch it, I think ABC has all the seasons up online for free on their website. I highly recommend it
L O S T Watched it from the beginning and have to say, one of the most clever shows of its time. The alternate reality games JJ Abrams is a genius.. Thats why I loved Cloverfield so much. ^_^
yes it's currently filming right now. i think it's going to be back around feb. 2009? not sure. but i'm so excited.
It's funny... When really popular series like these come out, it seems like i never catch them. I dont even know what channel this show comes on.
I got the dvd for lost and it is awesome. The storyline is good, but also includes some real life science.
I try to watch Lost, but it's so confusing XD everytime I miss an episode I miss out on so much. It's waaay too complicated for me : D
Yeah I watched a few eps. in English class because we were reading "Lord of The Flies" and she said it was similar. Then I kinda liked it so I asked my friend to lend me it. Never really watched any though.. :/
I dont watch anymore... Since they always go back and forth from the past to pesent... I lost track and cant keep up anymore... Mostly i am online more i dont watch that much tv anymore...lol