
Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by gaelle, Dec 26, 2006.

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  1. BobaFett

    BobaFett Administrator
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    Nov 21, 2006
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    The storyline was exactly like the Star Wars original trilogy storyline.

    You have to ignorant not to see the obvious similarities. And besides, the author has admitted that one of his biggest influences are Star Wars and Lord of the Rings...

    Let's take a look at a few of the similarities...

    Eragon, a farmboy dragon fighter = Luke Skywalker, a farmboy Jedi knight
    Uncle Garrow = Uncle Owen
    Brom, a teacher = Obi Wan Kenobi, a teacher
    Princess Arya = Princess Leia
    Durza, an evil "sidekick"= Darth Vader, an evil "sidekick"
    King Galbatorix, evil leader = The Emperor, evil leader
    Murtagh, a rebel = Han Solo, a rebel
    Saphira, a dragon that gives it's rider magical powers = Possibly an X-Wing, but most likely the Force

    It's really quite amazing how many similarities there are.

    I also just found this: ... #Star_Wars

    As far as I'm concerned, Christopher Paolini is a dope and needs to learn to write something original like a real story writer.
  2. slickmik

    slickmik Level II

    Feb 4, 2007
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    Ok there may be a few "similarities" but good books none the less...
    Lots of books are derived from others so I don't see the big deal
    And Paolini is a ownage writer
  3. BobaFett

    BobaFett Administrator
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    Nov 21, 2006
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    A few!?

    He essentially rewrote the Star Wars scripts, put the story in Lord of the Rings era, added a dragon, and put his name on it!

    Paolini, in my opinion of course, is an unimaginative, unoriginal, piss poor "writer".


    This site tears it down completely and shows just how obvious it was that Paolini did not in fact write anything original.

    If you want to see a better of version of Eragon, just go watch Star Wars.
  4. slickmik

    slickmik Level II

    Feb 4, 2007
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    Ok obviously you are a hardcore Star Wars fan and are bias against Eragon
    The structure and ideas of the book are so far fetched that it doesn't even relate to Star Wars
    I'm very surpirsed Paolini could even come up with that stuff
    Just because there is a website doesn't mean it's true (probably just some bored hardcore star wars fans)
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