nice xxx what exactly does freezing constitute? loss of goods? oh and i +repped you nice to see someone really cares on this forum
I tried to rep, but it won't show up.. :/ Chelsea, it was a Premium account so I put it to them that I had actually lost money. I was paying the $7.99 a month subscription and then had the account unfairly frozen so I said I wanted them to either unfreeze the account, or repay the 15 months premium payments I had paid. Had a response within 48 hours from TNT too, which was quite amazing. I would say it would still work for non-premies though. You would just leave the box blank where it asks you how much the dispute it over. I guess it's a loss of goods sort of.. I mean, you've worked and put a lot of time into what you have on the account (providing it's legit). Funny thing is.. The account wasn't really legit anyway.. I had done a little of this and a little of that on there, but it was so infrequent, they obviously didn't suspect anything.
So you go to the site. Click "Complain About A Business" Click "CLICK HERE FOR A COMPLAINT FORM" Then search for "Neopets" Then...which one do I click? Neopets or Then what option am I supposed to choose? o.0 I had a premium account soooo yeah.
I used Oh, and for the order number, I put in my Premium payment agreement ID thing. Just leave it blank if you don't have it.
I submitted a form about a old account on an old IP adress I never cheated on. Hopefully, they will reply and give me the account back. They may just IP ban me, as said before.
The key is to remember one thing... if you never cheated, go for it, you will get it back. If you did cheat, dont try it, they will freeze all your currant accounts.. Think about it this way, would you like it if someone was spreading lies and putting your business to shame, no?, and neither do they.
This is great, I have an unfairly iced account, and Ill be trying to get it back this way. Wish me luck
I've just posted a guide on using this site here: other-guides-f81/using-bbb-org-to-get-your-account-unfrozen-t21826.html