If you get bored of RC after a while and just want to max out here's a cool little tool that I used: http://www.csie.ntu.edu.tw/~piaip/games ... aipRCHack/ And one for farmville: http://www.farmvillebot.net/
Mafia Wars, for sure. It's pretty interesting & obviously requires some serious thought & commitment from the dev team. I'd play Farmville if it was more realistic (NOT). Where's the Butcher the Hogs and Spread the Manure jobs?
I'm a huge Mafia Wars player. And I just found this Harry Potter game called School of Wizardry that is a lot like Mafia Wars... I'm such a nerd xP
The games I play on facebook are: Restaurant City Country Story Happy Aquarium I like Restaurant City the best ;D. I like watching the customers come and go.