I want a plushie hissi... just coz they're damn adorable. and a Darigan Techo is like, my ultimate pet
Favorite Neopet Kougras are my favorite due to my love of cats. I'm too poor to paint it right now but I'm saving up for a Spotted Paint Brush.
Hm. I hear this question a lot on the NeoBoards and yet I really have no answer for it. As far as species goes, I'm partial to the Lutari. Merely because I own two ferrets and love them deeply. When you get into colors, I have say the Royal Flotsams are pretty. Although I would desperately like to get my hands on a Krawk. Not sure what color yet. I was thinking about Speckled. Or, if I can earn enough NP, some more expensive like Darigan. I think I might narrow it down to my FAVORITE pet sometime.
Why does a lot of people like krawk or draik? Is it because they are LE? makes you look cool and rich? to get into the current trend of having one? or simply because they look cute?