I don't know, mistaking the European conquerors as gods seem like more than little mistake Or is that the Aztec's, either way .
Yup... I've heard all of this before about dates for "doom and gloom". They all gone by and nothing happened. I still remember all the hype and 2000 and nothing happened... wasn't there some biblical reference about 53 years after Israel becomes a state?? Every time I hear about someone preaching ARMAGEDDON... or the Last Days... I just take it with a grain of salt.
Chances are slim, but still its a chance. I'm not sure but one of my old teachers said that the planet has existed for 350 billion years, and we're kind of in the middle mark before planet earth blows up in about 350 billion years time
I think it might hit. NASA's odds are pretty damn accurate if you ask me And it's on a friday the 13th, whats up with that? When that happens, i'll be almost 37. Let's pull a fururamma and shoot all of the earth's garbage at it! Until then... *Knock on wood*
Even if we could do what was in that movie... the technology just doesn't exist to pull it off. It'll be simple ELE just as it was for the dinosaurs, and there's not much we could do about it except bend over and kiss our asses goodbye... so in the meantime... enjoy your life!
haha, damn it. after reading the first page i was gunna make a comment like that! beat me to it. but 320 metres? isnt that much. i suggest nukes
NUKES? WHY NUKES? WE HAVE CHUCK NORRIS! Not just him, we also have: Gandalf the grey Gandalf the white Monty Python and the holy grail's black night. Benito Mussolini and The Blue Meanie and Cowboy Curtis Jambi the Genie Robocop the Terminator Captain Kirk and Darth Vader Lo Pan Superman every single Power Ranger Bill S. Preston and Theodore Logan Spock The Rock Doc Ock and Hulk Hogan ... The list goes on.. xD, it rhyms
-pulls out calculator- No, not really. x) Anyways- I also watch the History Channel, and I too get scared. They overdo it so much that I think I am going to fall into a worm hole. Once, they did a segment on alien abduction, and I was nervous for about a week and afraid to go to sleep.
I think I'm gonna grab myself a reclining beach chair, haul out a few six-packs of beer, and get myself comfy to see that show Granted, got a long time to wait, but hey, its a goal LOL, who's with me?