Personally I think that anyone who wants to limit their relation to the boundaries of marriage should allowed to do so.
Do you have a problem with my post? Because if you do I would appreciate it if you told me your concern, so I can prove you wrong.
Do I have a problem with it? Are you kidding me?? Love in itself is a SIN? That, in my opinion, is just a plain stupid thing to say. "Love" is a chemical reaction comprised of several elements, but that is neither here nor there. While I believe that gays shouldn't be discriminated against, and that each person is for God to judge, not man himself, I think that your argument is rediculas.
Re: Gay Marrage when you say forcing religious views do you mean that we cannot incorporate facts from religion (such as verses from the bible...etc.?)
well... all they have is a disorder and the ackknowledgement of (i spelled it wrong i know) lol these "disordered" people with normal marriage is unacceptable
im basically saying that these "disordered" people being known with a traditional (non- homosexual) marriage and known as a "couple" is saying that these abnormal people are normal
okay with you ! why do you obligatory like a girl if you're a men ? where is it write ? i don't know why a men couldn't like a men and a girl like a girl ?
Well I've been reading this and am shocked by how some think gay people are so Im not going to comment on it other then this picture.... -Giggles and runs off-
You do know some people are religious...and God is NOT GAY this pic is really pissing me off n I know some people who are really religous and you dont even want to know what theyll do if they knew who you were.
Do you really think I care? People have their beliefs that gays are "disordered" people. So why can't I believe that god is bi?
Jam your hype....not everyone thinks gays are disordered people especially those with religious beliefs...and that picture is an offence
You telling me god isn't gay/bi is offense to me. I've never said any of your guys believes were wrong yet you are telling me mine is?
No I'm saying that some people are religious with religious beliefs and I'm saying that they'll get really offended with that pic.
Well don't you think it might be offending when people post here saying gay/bi's that god doesnt allow gays or gay marrige shouldn't be aloud.. Which is fine if you and/or others believe. But that is not everyones opinion. Just stating mine, why is that so bad? OH because it goes against what many believe. You keep saying "oh people are religious" "people here are religious" etc etc... So me believing that god isn't straight not a religion? People who believe that aren't religious nw?
Well no one said that God ddoesnt allow gays or gay marrige, I'm ayin that, that pic is offensive to those who are religious.