I don't want to say yes or no. I was raised Christian, but I'm not perfect myself (I'm not gay, don't ask ). Being imperfect, I know that I'm in no real position to judge anyone for their beliefs or orientation or color or anything else. Despite that, I still despise violent criminals. Who doesn't? But the gay individuals really and truly harm nobody else while seeking out their own happiness. Sure, they may break a few hearts (mothers and families and girls with crushes), but other than that, they pretty much just want freedom to be with the one they love. I have friends who are gay. They're very nice people, and I care about them no less because of their orientation, than any other friends of mine. If you're a Christian, you are here to spread the word. You're not really here to judge or control. That is God's job. Stop wasting time trying to make people you already consider a lost cause miserable. If you believe that marriage is a sacred union between a man and woman, you believe that if the marriage between two like sexes is made, it is false in your eyes and in the eyes of God... hence, in your eyes, the marriage is nothing but a paper and a tax break. So either way, you win, right? Perhaps you should devote all that time, money, and effort to helping people who really need it, and spreading the word to people who haven't heard it yet. Just a thought.
You have the basic idea correct so theres no point in yelling at you for it, but I would like to fix a mistake you just made. Gays are not always born more feminine, and I honestly don't know where you could have gotten that from. They are just the same as us, except that on television they are often protrayed with extremely odd people. You could find odd straight people who act almost exactly the same as they do. Always remember not to bias people, and do not make judgements unless you have a good idea of the situation at hand.
sorry i accidently voted no. i think, its their life and they can do whatever they want. gays are not affecting anyone else by getting married
Regardless of nature, Gays should be allowed to live their lives. People are born gay. Its not as if, if gay marriage would be allowed more and more people would turn around and say 'Heck i'm Gay'. Its personal preference and I don't believe they should be discriminated against.
Hm. Yay. I always love putting in my two cents on gay relationships and/or religion. I didn't have time to read every post, but I skimmed through, and I respect everyone's opinion as long as they don't cram it down someone else's throat. I think that gay people should definitely have the right to get married. I also can agree that marriage is a sacred bond, but why should that exclude anyone? I know a lot of people don't like this concept when it comes to the subject, but hello.. there WAS a separation of church and state. Gay marriage aside... I hate hearing BS about "mariage is sacred" in this day and age from a lot of people. I'm honestly not sure how much I believe in the sanctity of marriage anymore because of the divorce rate... but hey.. if gay people wanna take a stab at it... why not? That can't do any worse than the procreating population.
Yea, I know... I'm not really one to talk because I'm divorced at 22. ;o But I'm also not straight.. so that's why.. ;D Hey, I tried. If you are one of those people that truely believe in "Til death do us part." and the sacred vows of marriage.. hey.. more power to you, But it really pisses me off when I hear people use the phrase "sanctity of marriage" in opposition to gay marriage.
I don't think gays should be able to get married. As somebody said before they ability to reproduce requires a male and a female and if we were meant to also have gays, then you would be able to reproduce that way as well. I also believe in the fact that we started from Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve
I'm going to refer back to what someone said about the fact that not everyone is gay (and not like gay marriage would make people randomly change that). Not allowing gay people that same rights to proclaim their love in front of god and everyone isn't going to get rid of the gay population either... so why not? I mean seriously.. who would it hurt? I think that people who haven't excepted the separation of church and state need to get off their high horse and take a look at the 21st century. ;D Progress with the rest of us. And by the way...... that's the most unoriginal statement one can use in this argument... someone needs to come up with a new one..
I belive in love. If you love the same sex, then it's love. Marrige is a ritual of love, and a way to express your love for eachother. Therefore, I belive in gay marrage~! =D
Love in itself is a sin. It encumpasses both greed, and lust. If people are going to be religious about this then they should be saying that noone should love anyone else. Do you guys have any idea of the basis of christianity? You are supposed to respect your fellow man, meaning that you are supposed to attempt to help others, not try to interpret your own version of god's supposed words. I myself am a christian, yet I can accept that homosexual people should not be dealt with in an opposing manner. Fools, stop attempting to quote societys ideals as if they are your actualy religion. You are brainwashed by those around you, and you are the ones who deserve to have certain rights revoked.
:roll: ..because there are no words to describe what I think of that last post.. and if I try, I may have an aneurism..
LOL....HAHAHAHHA.....i couldn't have said it better my self....well maybe...but if i try now it'll look bad 8)
Lol. ;D I've had dinner now, and time to re-group.. maybe I can wrap my mind around.... wait.. no... ow.. x_x;;; How do people talk out their ass? I want to learn! ;D