I believe this is much more effective than filing a BBB claim. Neopets usually simply ignores the BBB claims. This goes directly to Viacom and an answer is usually received within a few days. The good thing about this method is you get a Human Response. They can give you more specific information on why you were frozen, and they actually look into your account. It is very simple. Step 1 Spoiler Visit http://www.viacom.com Step 2 Spoiler In the bottom corner, click 'Contact' Step 3 Spoiler Enter your first and last name, and the email address registered to your Neopets account. Under 'Subject' select: 'Viewer Services' and under 'Select a Show or Category' select: 'Nickelodeon' Step 4 Spoiler The box states 500 characters max, however this is untrue. You can write as much as you want, so keep filling it in if you have more to say. In this section fill out what your problem is. "My neopets account was frozen for xxxxx, I believe this freezing was wrong because xxxxx" Provide account verification to prove this account is yours. Providing the information here: http://www.neopets.com/autoform_abuse.p ... se=account will be enough information. Of course if you were actually guilty, don't expect much. But if you truly believe you were frozen unfairly, best of luck to you!
Your message has been sent. Thank you for contacting Viacom. Thanks for the guide!! I was getting annoyed waiting for a BBB reply that I knew i would never get! Hope this works out, its my last hope! TNT ignores me now too. D:
Ya I spent about a month dealing with BBB in the end, TNT never responded to the claim and they closed it I've gotten several replies from viacom within days of submitting the claim
I honestly think TNT believes that their BBB score is so bad they don't care enough to change their business, or even better, to actually HELP people...
BBB actually e-mailed me back within 2 days of me sending the form, with neopets responding straight after they received BBB's e-mail. However, it's great that there's an alternative to BBB, as it looks like I'm in the minority.
Ya i guess you guys are the lucky ones, ive personally had no luck with BBB in every aspect, and many of the people ive spoken to have had the same problems, did you also get a personalized response from the BBB or was it simply a sorry your account cant be unfrozen, or congrats your account is unfrozen? the support from viacom literally told me the exact thing that resulted in my icing
Ive contacted them on two different occasions--They don't seem to like me because they didnt reply and both cases were either closed or ignored. I just don't understand.. I was premium.. and I legitly did not do a single thing that was illegit. If I didn't get frozen unfairly so many freaking times, I wouldn't be a cheater.....
Well viacom should let you know exactly what you did that was illegit, or hopefully return your account! best of luck to you really!
Thanks, if they don't, that's their problem I guess. Sad they actually call themselves a business...XD
I got an e-mail from BBB saying: Soon after I received an e-mail from TNT (Abbey) saying that she'd be happy to unfreeze it.
Abbey is the person who was dealing with my viacom claims I haven't had anything unfrozen, but have gotten replies within 1 day of filing out the forms explaining the exact reasons of my freezing i got that same first message from BBB, then a second one 2 weeks later saying they haven't responded, than 2 weeks later again saying they haven't responded so we are closing the claim
Your message has been sent. Thank you for contacting Viacom. Thanks man! Very nicely formatted with the spoilers XD. And yes, my BBB claim has been ignored for the last month and half :/. I don’t think they’re even going to do anything about it, and I was a Charter member of Neopets for a long long time. Hopefully this works!
Yeah BBB is like a last desperate attempt if nothing else works. Ive sent many forms into BBB and have had only one response and that took almost 2 weeks.
Lol i receive a letter from bbb today... Saying that the co plaint is being processed, this was in march 23rd lol, 3 month travel for a letter wow
Go figure.... I honestly never used a program on that account. I was 100% legit at the time. I didn't even use adblock..... Guess TNT has it right.. Freeze the people who spend money on NC and premium and play legit on their site when ever they feel like it... Was worth a shot though. Thanks.
did you use an ABer on other accounts at that same time? could be linked even if you've never used it on that account specifically
Nope, wouldn't dare to risk it... Lol.. I was in literally one of the best malls on neopets. Unless my sister was using abers--I have no idea why they don't believe me. My account got frozen after I clicked on a link on the boards. (At the time of my freezing Chase Boggins or what ever his name is did that mysql injection)... Im pretty sure he used my account... I know i got logged out that day and tried to change my password when i re-logged in. so....
the SQL happened in june of 09, they claim you used an Aber in june of 08, who knows, they must have some other info or found a way to link it to some other account, that sucks though hopefully someone managed to get something back from this