lol Well it isn't going to melt entirely anytime soon, we still have time to prevent that. But a significant amount of it might melt and raise the water levels. Really sucks for the people in the Neatherlands. So.. semi-waterworld, but that's still exaggerating
... Anything below sea level or with a major river would flood. New York Would be gone I think most major cities would
No Studies have been done. If every single piece of ice melted it would not cover all land. In fact they did this study to find a safe haven for the storage of seeds and such for "just in case" kind of emergencies
We discussed some of these things today in my geography class, and de facto is that global warming could even produce a new ice age since the Golf stream would stop providing warmth to many countries. Now that's scary.
Re: :0 I think it is a great idea. They are taking seeds from alot of older varieties of fruits and veggies. This is even better because the older varieties (before bio engineering and such) have a larger diversity of genes. Making them hardier and "easier" to grow with less problems and risk of disease and your crop being wiped out. There will come a time when one of our seed banks will be destroyed.. or all.. and we will need these supplies. It also comes in handy if we want to populate other planets some time in the future.
Actually... if you do yuor research, the north pole melting wouldn't really do all that much... surely not make the world into a water world. It's pure physics. Most of the ice covering the north pole is over water. Take an glass of water with a couple of ice cubes floating on top. Fill it to the rim and then let the ice cubes melt. You'll see it won't overflow the rim. That's what would happen if you had ice over water melt. Now take a glass of water filled to the rim. Place an icecube on the edge and let it drip into the glass... and it'll overflow. That's what will happen to ice over land. The major problem with global warming is snow/ice over land and you've got a major source of those in Iceland and Greenland.... both over land. Not to mention the largest source of ice/snow over land... ie antartica. If that melts... it could raise the oceans of the world by over 20 feet. I find it funny when people say... oh global warming... that means we'll be warm in the winter. In the short term... sure... but once all that ice and snow melts over the land areas... and in the northern hemisphere all that fresh water affects the deep ocean currents that distribute the heat from the equator... well... what you have isn't a heat wave... it's an ice age. People think ice ages take 100's of years to start. When in fact, it's been proven the last one could have started in less than 65 years. I live in Canada, and during the last ice age, the land areas were covered by about a mile of ice. And it was very very hot the closer you got to the equator. Something to look forward to! btw... It's official... China will lead the world as being the largest greenhouse gas emitter. That's 3 years earlier than predicted. Find out what your families "carbon footprint" and reduce it if you can!
HAh China is on a fast track to destruction of their own country. My friend thinks they will be the next world super power. I don't think they will last much longer. If they don't make some MAJOR changes really fast their country will be barren and their people diseased and starving. They have hardly any restrictions on chemical usage and production laws. Just look at the lastest pet food scare. The toxin they found in the food... They use that stuff for fertilizer over there! I also read in some magazine recently that New York City itself accounts for 1% of all greenhouse gases emitted. The I also read this article on things to reduce greenhouse gas. and they stated highrises and big city sky scrapers to be one of them. I found that wierd.
apparently, the method they're thinking about using is firing rockets filled with sulphur into the atmosphere. it might close up the hole in the atmosphere. problem is, it might send us plummeting into another ice age, or have a host of other nasty side effects, but apparently scientists are willing to risk killing our planet, to save our planet...
yes, I posted a debate topic on this as well. They are calling it geoengineering. Trying to manaully change the earths climate through un natural processes. I am against it. I am also against Bioengineering
so much for burning plastics and CFC or chloro flouro carbon will everywhere.. makes our ozone layer thin..and the sun lights radiation cannot be filter easily.. can cause also global warming .. make person got skin cancer easily.. am i correct?
iii think we should let the world die astronomers found a planet similar to earth anyways, once earth dies we can al move there, although it would take us 200,000 years to get there =)
^^ thats just a little bit far away for me... Plus, I mean, why can't we just take care of the st00pid planet. its not that hard... and, how similar to earth?
That is so mean :shock: lol... I don't know what to say I think you guys already talked about alot of things. What Marlene said is really alarming but in fact I do believe that could happen...There was a national geographic program that just talked about that and in fact we could face an entire new ice age in the future if the polar ice melt. And I do think if people's mentality don't change that'll happen...No one gives a damn, no one wants to use more bus or do little stuff in our daily life that could help our planet... :roll: And then again there's those politicians that don't agree in signing the Kyoto Protocol since the global warming is just a myth...
pretty similar, oceans and stuff there might be aliens there too :lol: but i was just playing about letting earth die i think its a serious topic also, and im sure technology will save the planet
no astronomers THINK they found a planet simialar to ours. It is 20 light years away. They still do not know the composition of the atmosphere. And they are still unsure whether there is water or not. They would have to send a mission out farther, block the light from the sun and use what colors come back to us to determine the main chemical composition on the planet. We do know have a way to travel the speed of light. Even if we did it would take 20 years to get there. And it will be a long time before anyone can even think about populating that planet as we still don't know ANYTHING about it. Only that it is relatively the same distance from it's sun as the earth is from ours. And it is larger than the earth. We don't even know if it is already populated by another life form. For all we know there could be a species killing their planet too. *shrugs* So it is not hopefull. We need to take care of our own planet. Humans can not be some destructive species that just destroys planets, shrugs it off and moves on to kill the next one. We need to learn from our actions and learn how to change our habits to be more eco friendly
well.. as the years passes by the sun will be the greatest enemy in our solar system.. when the sun dies. it becomes bigger..and explode ..and burns any planet on its way.
There's a long time left until that happens. The global warming problem is much closer. Example; For each 0,5 degrees celcius the water increase near the equator, the yearly tropical storms increase by around 10. And there's less than 50 years until that happens. Which really sucks.