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God: Is he real?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by oxlilshorti, Sep 11, 2009.

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  1. PrinceErik

    PrinceErik Level IV

    Jan 13, 2009
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    So, I think god is both not real and real. I don't think he is real in the sense of this omniscient being that created the world and controls everything in it. But, I do think the idea of god is real and affects many people's lives. I think that when people think god is with them and they think they have some divine power, it allows them to go past their own ability and do some wonderful things. So, god is real in peoples hearts and minds, but nowhere else
  2. jigg

    jigg Newbie

    Apr 19, 2010
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    Sometimes, when the bad stuff happens, I tend to think, "Well if theres a god, why did he let this happen?"
    Then again, when something good happens the first thing I think is "Thank you God!"

    So I guess you could say I am torn, because I know there is some kind of higher being out there that made us, whether or not its god is really up to whoever your asking the question.

    So for me, I would have to say yes, there is a god.
    It just may not be the same type of god all the pious people of the world think about.
  3. Robert

    Robert Level II

    Apr 19, 2010
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    Louisville Kentucky
    I would like to personally believe a higher power exists. When I am usually asked to defend the "flaws", I am always forced to point out that these "flaws" are only flaws because we decided that they are flaws ... like anything else, when one does not understand the inner mechanics of something but decides to poke around looking at all the little moving parts they might see something that in their limited understanding screams out, This can't work like that. .... Just because a gear spins in the opposite direction one assumed it should have been spinning does not make a clock flawed but one would never know that unless they stepped back and looked at the clock without paying attention to all the little moving parts inside. :)
  4. Grandmaster

    Grandmaster Level II

    Apr 19, 2010
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    There are no miracles. Nothing has happened that couldn't happen naturally.

    There is no empirical evidence for any deities. Natural processes best explain our universe.

    If a perfect entity existed it would be complete within itself and have no need to create a universe or us.

    Every religion thinks every other religion is false. Well, if all those other religions can be false, some with billions of believers, there is no good reason to believe one knows the truth.

    Even if there is a God there is no reason to believe that he needs or wants our worship or even cares if we acknowledge his existence.
  5. LightTiger

    LightTiger Level IV

    Oct 6, 2009
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    I personally don't think so either...
  6. Robert

    Robert Level II

    Apr 19, 2010
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    Louisville Kentucky

    counter argument :)

    there is no empirical evidence that there are no deities. Who are we to assume that what happens naturally isn't the intention of the deity. There are miracles everyday by religious and scientific standards. Just depends on your perspective of what constitutes a miracle for one. for two, why does a deity have to cause miracles to be a deity? that is just our assumptions again. "perfect being" yes religions claim their deity or deities are perfect, but that again is just their assumption. the deity could be flawed in its own ways beyond our knowing. .. Not all religions say they are the one and only god .. there are religions which acknowledge that other religions gods are there as well .... as for your last comment .. it doesnt need a rebuttal as it is one both sides would be able to use :) lol
  7. purple315

    purple315 Level III

    Dec 30, 2009
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    I believe he is.

    Please don't spam. This is the Debate section, not the spam corner
  8. Sparratic

    Sparratic Level III

    Jan 22, 2010
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    From a humanist point of view we believe the Big Bang (or one of the related Inflation Universe Theories) caused the origin of the universe as we know it. Thereafter, Humanists hold to the notion that random, macro-evolutionary processes brought forth mankind - "from the goo through the zoo to you" over billions of years. An Atheist per say.
  9. Robert

    Robert Level II

    Apr 19, 2010
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    Louisville Kentucky

    haha .. that is great :) I will have to use that line.
  10. Sparratic

    Sparratic Level III

    Jan 22, 2010
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    Isn't it, I love college I got that from my philosophy professor (changed my views on religion, science, and philosophy)... He is a tiny Asian man with a thick accent and 70s clothing style but one of the smartest people I have ever met.
  11. Pegaley

    Pegaley Level I

    Apr 28, 2010
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    No i don't believe so, there's no real proof.
  12. martine4161

    martine4161 Newbie

    May 29, 2010
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    GOD is not the thing that you can touch that, but he is the feelings that can be felt by the person who have faith in the God. So basically I believe in god and have full faith on him that he is always with me. He is supporting me and help me.
  13. TtotheJay

    TtotheJay Level II

    Nov 2, 2009
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    ... What is real? We all live in our heads, meaning our realities are composed of the way we choose to see our reality. Sure, God isn't something to see or touch, but He is something to be experienced, and when you choose to allow the explanation of your existence and the events that surround it to be a higher power.. God.. you may find that God is "real." But in everything we do, and the way we see what we're doing, you have that choice to do it, and to see it the way you do. God has no objection to what you do in your life as long as you are truthful and live with love in your heart. If you do that, the good life will follow. Most people view God as someone who has control on Who We Are, and most people tend to reject people and places that try to control them. God wants no control over you, and this means that the things that happen in your life are beyond God's control as well. Human tendency is to view life as an outward experience, meaning we look to everyone and everything else for answers. Life is an inward experience and one will only find the good life when we look at ourselves; our choices, the consequences, our actions, and our intentions. Live with truth and love, and the rest will follow. It's not hard to see God, He's right in front of your face.
  14. Rundownandy

    Rundownandy Level IV

    Feb 20, 2007
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    I do believe a god exists. Mainly because all of the major religions founded back in the day where basically all founded around the same time. I believe that all these different religions, like Muslims,Jews, Christians, etc. all worship the same god. They just don't know it is the same one. lol
    But from a scientific point of view, it would make sense if there is an afterlife. The Laws of Physics states that matter cannot be created or destroyed. Matter can however change into another form.

    Anyhow, it all sounds ridiculous. But I think about this question so much I could very easily write a book. >.>
  15. Tofurky

    Tofurky Level IV

    Apr 3, 2007
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    New Jersey
    That's exactly what happens. You decompose, and your matter goes into the soil. The whole afterlife belief is that your soul, or something about you that is not matter moves on to another place. Sounds like a bunch of bogus, but people believe it anyways. Arguments are rarely won with reason, especially when they have to do with religion.
  16. Commy

    Commy Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 11, 2007
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    Those three religions you mentioned are closely related to each other and have ties together in the past.

    You failed to mention religions from other countries. E.g. Greece, India, China where there are a pantheon of Gods. Do they all worship "the same god"? They have a large amount of Gods. I believe that religions were first created to help humans cope with their surroundings as an answer to things that humans could not answer. When science advanced and people developed theories, humans started to believe that they can answer life's mysteries and moved away from religion. While some moved away from religion others stayed with it.

    Where did you come to the conclusion that all major religions were founded "around the same time"?
  17. AcidSpiral

    AcidSpiral Level I

    May 31, 2010
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    You also have to consider, is there any real proof that God doesn't exist?

    But really, I don't believe in God. I think when our bodies die, the energy contained in our brains just becomes recycled into the universe following whichever law or theory it was that energy cannot be destroyed. :S
  18. fearalucard

    fearalucard Level II

    May 2, 2010
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    Well first off, I think of religions as "My imaginary friend is better than your imaginary friend"

    Personaly, I dont believe God exisits.

    Relgions seem to think they know how every things started. This really bugs me, its like saying I know the answer but have no method to my anwser other then you must do/follow or belive what is in a book / scripture that has been past down / changed over time.

    Sicentists are still working out how it all happend. Its all theroys its all about this is one way it could have happend. And that with the information that we now have.

    I think people make somthing up to explaine things that we have no answer for is better then nothing.
    And for the people that cant make somthing up just follow someone else made up story.

    * insert sheep icon *

    sorry if i offened anyone This is my point of view, and im happy to here yours.
  19. Thyxon

    Thyxon Newbie

    Jun 3, 2010
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    I believe in God :)

    I don't know if God exists or not, but God is faith, so if anyone believes Him, that's because He exists. Because that's what He is: a belief, not a "person".
  20. Liwi

    Liwi Level II

    Dec 11, 2008
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    I don't understand this whole argument about there being no proof that God doesn't exist. That's not the way it works. The person MAKING the claim is the one who is supposed to provide the proof; hence "the burden of proof". That aside, I do not believe in God. We are not created by him (we are by NO means perfect. There are many, many things that are not perfect about our design), and the only reason we are here is because of evolution. I mean, when you think about how vast the universe is, how can you NOT believe that somewhere out there, there's other intelligent life? And when you realize that there is other intelligent life out there, you also realize that no "God" created us.
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