They all evolved from the first one-cell organism. That might've been created because of some extreme heat, or it came from a meteor.
There is no theory that explains it for sure. You'll find 11 different models, hypothesizing how life may have formed on Earth. Some are more accepted than others, but none are completely dominant. The theory of evolution holds that we all held a common ancestor. So those other species came from the same ancestor. Apes evolved from the same ancestor as us. Unless you could find that formula, there isn't much point in saying that. I saw on FOX that someone came up with a formula that proves God doesn't exist. Granted, the person was Homer and I was watching the Simpsons, but you can see my point. The evolutionary chains of apes and humans branched off from a common ancestor. viewtopic.php?f=23&t=13622&st=0&sk=t&sd=a I explained in that debate how it was theorized how apes and humans came about, according to evolution
if it came from a meteor, how did the one celled organism get onto the meteor? where did it come from and if it was extreme heat, will a new universe be created when the sun explodes? that will be extreme heat?
This will all be looking into the unknown. But if science cannot explain things does not mean that it is by supernatural forces. Because science does not know everything yet.
Honestly, what sounds like the truth ? That life came from another planet, or from a meteor, or just from the earth itself, or that one person created the entire universe ? And thanks commyaji, I'm reading them now
Yeah, I said that life on Earth may have originated from space, I didn't say that it was the origin of Life itself. It doesn't answer that question. By extreme heat, I'm pretty sure milanos was referring to the 'Deep hot biosphere' model, if you would look at the previous link. Not by the exploding of the sun. Basically, the great heat that was caused when you deep a long way down into the Earth. There are two organisms I know of that can survive in great heat, but I don't think that they were the origins of life. Certain bacteria can live in extremely hot pools of water, and there are some organisms that live at the bottom of the sea, living on the emissions of the volcano vents. Are you talking about new life when the sun explodes? I think it's safe to say that no new life will be created by the sun exploding. I'm pretty sure our descendants would all die. Unless by that time we created new technology (has anyone seen Sunshine?). If you're talking about the Big Bang nucleosynthesis, that's another thread, and another topic.
science will never know everything. especially not about this, thats why it's a debate. you can't say for a fact that one is the right answer, and there is no way for science to ever conclusively prove it. humans are flawed by nature, hence science is flawed I was actually being a bit sarcastic there. I was really tired, and feeling a bit bitchy. but I know the theory. I also have heard that it was disproved? But that could just have been someone trying to prove the Creationist theory.
You guys can say that some things are disproved, but I never see any proof from you guys. Commyaji comes with better arguments the whole time, and gives proof too. Nowone can beat that. But Haspopped, there is definitely more proof for Evolution than for God.
please, call me Ke [kay]. I don't doubt there is more evidence. but nothing can ever be proved... and thats what faith is all about. God doesn't need to be proved. you just need to believe in him anyway [I'm NOT a Christian. I DON"T believe in God] you say "proof", but if you go back to the bumble-bee story, you'll see that proof isn't as concrete as we might like to think. These are all just theories, some with more backing than others
That is an overly sweeping statement made about science. You can never limit the power of science. What were people saying about man reaching the moon 100years ago. They were saying that it is impossible. Now look where we are. How could u say that science is flawed? In what way is it flawed? Is it because science can never find out everything? This is not true. Science is not flawed even if it can never find out everything. As long as you can conclusively explain something with science, it is not flawed.
the fact that humans are flawed and can make mistakes means that science is flawed [and can make mistakes] because it was created by humans. And no, science will never prove everything. we will never know everything there is to know, just because of the nature of the human mind, and the nature of the world. science can create theories about everything, but the fact is [for me] that it will never be conclusively proved, because in essence, we "know" nothing. we strongly believe things, and all that jazz, but it is impossible to totally prove it. once again, going back to scientists proving that the bumble-bee can't fly. that is a flaw. they make mistakes. remember, a debate is about peoples opinions, not proving someone wrong [ha, here we go with the proof thing again] you believe that science isn't flawed, therefore, for you, it is not I believe that science is flawed, therefore, for me, it is.
Ah ha... that is why it is a debate. Here i will try to explain to you why i feel the way that i feel. Science: a branch of knowledge or study dealing with a body of facts or truths systematically arranged and showing the operation of general laws by saying that science is flawed, you are saying that "facts or truths" are wrong. That is totally going against the meaning of the two words aforementioned. Mistakes can be made, that i agree, but, saying that science as a whole is flawed, is flawed. If you refer to the flaw as a small one, then i agree that science has flaws but science is definitely not flawed. Being flawed and having a flaw is different. Having a flaw means that all it needs is simple rectification for it to be the truth. Being flawed means that is should not be considered at all. Science is not flawed. People are flawed but science is not. The theories made by flawed humans can be flawed but they are most of the time not flawed. After checking and re-checking by a panel of scientists, there is a low likelihood that the theory is wrong.
Ok that was a typo. What i meant to use was the word :Theorem Theorem is a proven theory. How can something proven be wrong, unless there is a mistake? That which i have explained earlier.
again, back to the idea of proof. and, it's still a theory. it might be a theory that they firmly believe to be right, but it's still just a theory
About the bumblebees They never proved it. They released it as a theory. They never said that "BUMBLEBEES CAN'T FLY BECAUSE OUR CALCULATIONS SHOW THAT THEY CAN'T". They said that against their calculations, they shouldn't be able to fly, but here's a quote they did say When scientists were looking at bumble bees, that's all they looked at. And they had calculations. Aerodynamic calculations can be very complex, and even changing one little thing could alter the equation's answer. And since then, they have rectified that statement. That example is totally different to evolution. It's a different area of science. It would be like saying that all Muslims are terrorists, based on a few. Evolution has a lot more evidence going for it. Evolution has fossils, genome comparison, embryology, and the live specimens from Galapagos Islands. Especially with the live specimens, it strongly supports the theory of evolution, even to go so far as to say microevolution exists. And you said that you don't believe in God. What do you believe happened then? Where did we come from? What's your theory on that? I mean, even if you believed in God, that would have to say that God created us as we are now. Yet how come there have been no Homo sapien fossils found that date back to the 85 million years ago that primate fossils have been found? According to carbon dating, they only started appearing 200,000 years ago. You could argue that carbon dating is not pin point in accuracy, but 84.8 million years difference is a long way off.
you need a new pick for your poll...... I DONT BELIEVE IN ETHER !!!! Personally I think if i was going to believe that something made me, I think back......O YEA !!!! IT WAS MY MOTHER !!! Im going to live my life, you want to believe in one thats fine but dont push it on me. I live everyday and dont think about it. That stupid its in the past I know whats going on right now and thats all i need to know.
Then how did you mother come on earth ? You can't just say : I came on earth. Nothing happened before me.
It's fine if you're willing to live in ignorance, but don't say you don't believe in either, just say that you don't care enough to put any thought into it, and haven't formulated any opinion on the subject. It kind of has to be either of the two or a mixture of both. We didn't just all suddenly appear "POOF" full-grown men and woman, going off to work and baking pies... something happened to either create us, or we evolved... Neither isn't an option