Well only 217 points left to go! To everyone who's going somewhere for Xmas, I wish y'all a happy time and a Merry Xmas!
Aww, you are so lucky. I want to visit Hawaii, but I just don't want to be around any volcanoes. :wink:
i live in Ohio so i got to drive to Houston Texas for family stay there for 3 days then come home then go to Cincinnati for new years
Oh, thats pretty sweet. It is expensive there? Its just, I want to live in Japan, however, I keep thinking that maybe I want to live somewhere else first (like..Cali or Hawaii)..but I've never been to Hawaii so I don't know how expensive it is. Though, it seems like it would be a nice place to live.
I don't know its not that expensive it's a little more expensive like the gas and stuff but the tax is fairly low its 4.166%
Well i watch TV....and theres a few shows about buying, and it seems hawaii is more expensive then most other places, however it is a LOT nicer
Hmm haven't seen any of those shows=/ I think the total price dfference is about 5-8% that covers the shipping costs.
Well, I figured it would be more expensive than the mainland. And it certainly looks a lot nicer ^^ But like I said, I want to live in Japan, so I'm kind of prepared for high prices, lol~ On a christmasy note: For some reason, it doesn't feel very Christmasy around here. Its seems that every year my family gets less and less into the Christmas spirit. Not that I mind, I don't like getting/giving gifts anyway~
Japan is uber expensive I went there once for a school thing I was only planning on spending 500 and I had my parents CC just in case I ended up owing them a thousand dollars :x
Yeah, its expensive x.X But everyone I know thats been there/lives there says its really awesome. I've never been, sadly. And I live in the country now and hate it, I want to live in an active city so I always have something that I could do, so Japan sounds perfect for me XD I'm majoring in Japanese right now in college, now I just have to hope that I'll get there some day~
I guess we made the mistake of going to tokyo we shoulda went to one of the outer districts. would've saved allot of money haha.
Yeah~ How long did you get to go for? My college is having a study-abroad trip to Japan over the summer and they're going to be there for about a month. Think of all the money you could spend in a month..
We were there for 2 weeks it was supposed to be a cultural experience but pretty much all we did was check out the shops and new technology lol.
Lol, so no school work? Nice~ For our college trip, its a class so you have to have some in class time while in Japan, and when you get back from Japan you have to continue over the summer with online summer classes. I wanted to go but: 1- I don't have the money right now 2- I don't want to go for school. I don't like someone else telling me where I have to go, and I don't want the trip to be ruined with classes. x.X
Yeah I was gonna go to Europe to study music but I'd be to busy having fun to do any real work lol. As for the Japan trip we had to write a 10 page essay when we got back about the differences between our cultures. That was a VERY excrusiating thing to write.