Correct, I didn't have the time to make an entry like the others'. But hey, its a competition and I wanted it to be as active as possible so I submitted something that was simple and represented a minimalistic perspective of space. I was originally going to make a white circle on a black background (reminded me of an modern art oil painting piece that I've seen in the past). But I decided to something a bit different and made a white outline of a circle on a black background instead. Its modern/abstract art. It doesn't appeal to everyone, but some people like it.
come on man not like theirs a huge prize here or anything dont need to be putting down other ppls work if he had just a black dot there and ppl voted for them thats there choice.. just bc you dont like it doesn't mean someone else doesn't... the point of these contest if to have fun and just submit something
Great point, and it's also possible the artist voted for his own work, although that may not be the case.
Nope, that would be against the rules: "--> Voting for yourself or creating multiple accounts to vote for yourself will get you a suspension or ban"
When did I say anything about prize's, putting people down, voting for someone's choice, I didn't like it, or I didn't understand the point of the contest? Anyways I was just trying to understand what zero was going for because I had no clue. Like that time he posted a joke and it came up as a 404 page. I thought it was an error I was getting but he explained to me it was some guy and...anyways junkant for explaining it to me.
We all try to understand Zer0s crazy shananigans. I for one thought Zer0s idea was brilliant. It was creative
When does the voting actually end? It looks like there are two winners now. Unless someone else comes in and votes.
Yeah I'd do that, but Charlie's Level III, so I guess it'd be pointless for him to get 12.5 points. I don't think he plays neopets anymore, either. I guess we'll have to wait and see.
Congrats chticker! I think your artwork should be displayed as the background on the homepage or something.