I would think youd get frozen if your transfering a 2 mil + item but did you use different IP's on both accounts? because i cant see you getting away with that if you didnt
That's interesting.. maybe if you were to just buy over priced "donation junk" items from your main and still went on the 200k shopping spree for crap on the side it would have been a better deal?
Yes seperate IPs on each account that had anything to do with the transfer. That would work as well although it would take a lot longer. I have done my method twice without freezing and after this weekend im going to do it again and see how it fairs
I generally transfer between two accounts on the same IP. I've built up the image that I play with my siblings on each account so both accounts end up playing games & making money (not sure if that's allowed). I just regularly transfer around 20-40k at a time.