i find that to many gummys with that white bit on the bottom can be a bit sickening :| but i spose that can be good, its lmost telling you whe to stop :lol:
Hmm do sour patch kids count as gummy's? If so it is a tough call. They are both in so many varieties but chocolate would win barely for me.
Hmm i could eat a box of gummies and feel sick but not be full? Or i could eat a box of chocolates and feel sick and fat? I think gummies is the lesser evil! Also if you eats a gummie bear a bit at a time its like medevil torture
Mmm id have to say chocolate for me. Im picky with my gummies I like sour candy and as far as gummie bears go.. i only like them if there real "Gummie Bears"
My metabolism never required me to look at calories but I do prefer gummies over chocolate. Always had That and i'm picky with my chocolate too. The only two kinds I really like are white and milk, which happens to be what most chocolates are.
Chocolate. I have always hated gummies, even when they gave us small gummy bears back in kindergarten... ...I hate how chewy in a plastic-y sort of way they feel. :x Chocolate>Gummies
I prefer chocolate, because my teeth are a bit sensitive, so they hurt a little when I sink my teeth into gummies. And some gummies are sour! A little gross, methinks D: