My High School's haunted. We see shadows and hear things all the time. Like, the janitor turned out all the lights in the gym one evening, was leaving and looked back to see every single light on. Creepy, haunts that are afraid of the dark? Yeah, no one denies its haunted. Other than that, dad's friend used to live in a haunted house. This friend's sister was attacked by popcorn - the old fashioned kind that you pop on the stove - like jif-pop or something. It just kinda exploded on her, lol. Eventually, dad's happy-go-lucky friend hung himself in the basement. The family doesn't live there anymore. Arkley - you make me giggle. :lol:
That's epic! I wanna have a highschool like that. D: I think my life would be so much better! I am pretty darn jealouss.