Neo's made my cry literally so much only one time. I got unfairly iced and i did NOTHING ILLEGIT then. Had 300+ avs, MSPP included, etc. =/
Two posts up you already answered this question Edit: You can delete this now that the quoting post is gone lol, doesn't make sense anymore.
i cried when i had 2 draik trans scammed from me, lol. i would definitely cry if my main got frozen though. all of my avatars.. over $100 worth of neocash crap, 3 uc pets & a draik. one of the uc pets which cost me over 20 million .. etc. i try not to cheat TOO much because if i lose it i know i'll go crazy haha
I almost cried once. Back to 5 yrs ago I got a KRAWK transmogrification potion from Sloth, and I turned a pet into a Krawk. One day I went to exchange this for orange grundo (for the avatar). Before that I released a junk pet to the pound. After getting the avatar, we both released the pet into the pound once again. Then we cannot take back the pets because I have thrown away 1 pet already and the other user doesnt rmb the name of my Krawk
Ouch that really sucks.. you've always got to pick an easy-to-remember name! As for me... well when I played this game seriously, I got mad/frustrated whenever I got iced (who doesn't?), but never really shed a tear. Like when I scratched an extravaganza scratchcard without looking at the jackpot and only won 200k That was probably one of the worst... not too bad
Neo makes me cry on a daily basis. :maha: But seriously, I only cried once and it was because I didn't get a pet that I applied for. I spent WEEKS on that application and I had nothing to show for it. Then I realized that it just isn't worth it to work for anything on neo. But that was back when I was young a dumb.
I can't say it's ever made me cry. I've been really pissed before, when I had just bought an entire set of Lutari beads and then got frozen like 3 days later. That was a bit irritating. I hate being frozen right when I get up to like 10 mil & start collecting things I want...
I have never cried over neo but i get very frustrated when people scam others out of items ,nps.Especially when they are my buddies :K
i got scammed out of 2 mil once! lent a 4 mil thing and trusted the person to give me only 2 mil collat and 5 min ago i just lost 300k to a random event! how joyous!
I believe I shed a few tears when my account was frozen. I really didn't expect it to happen to me, and I was very depressed about it. I don't plan on letting it effect me that much this time though, although I'm already very attached to my pets (mainly because they were modeled after my original pets)
me when my UC bruce was Zapped baby!!!!!!! and when they got rid of the UC pets! they looked so much better back then
I lost my very first account around the 5 year mark, all the hard work, all the money and weapons and items, my battle pet, all gone forever. My reaction was pretty much "lol".
when some f***** tricked me into pounding my draik and when i didntget a drai ki applied fopr when i was up for 2am every night fro a week working on the app :K:K
WAY back when I was in 5th grade. Somebody had scammed me out of favorite pet. But, back then I cried about even the tiniest of papercuts.
When I got addicted in gr5 or something, I remember all the drama that went on lol. Well I teared up cuz everyone is so greedy they always hack each other {Even real life friends...} That's the only time o_o
I remember I got caught up in all that stuff! All that drama really upset me; and with alll the drama I was already a part of outside of neopets, the drama on neopets was the last thing that I needed. But neopets was my life then, my whole group of elementary school friends had an account! Atleast now I know it's just a GAME.