The scariest day (close too) of my life. My neighbourhood is actualy very safe, untill one week where everyone was getting robbed. At first it was a man 2 doors down from me who got robbed. After that everyone thought that it would be safe because who would try and rob another house after a robbery, its just too unlikly. So the next day the house infront of me got robbed. geeze i was scared, two days after my left neighbour got robbed, tthe following week my right neighbour got robbed. I know what you're thinking.. yea right.. but seriously it happend.. then i was home alone the following week and almost every house in the neighbourhood had been robbed and I heard this sound that wasn't friendly.. i ran down into my room after locking every door and window.. BLASTED THE TV.. put the music on my setreo to like full blast, and after i guess the robber heard that ther was someone inside, so i was safe. After that day.. no one else was robbed.
when we were still in China, which was like more than 10 years ago, I think someone stole my mom's bike....
My house is on a corner so once every year we get robbed but its only when im lifegaurding so i dont care that much besides all they ever do is just take the front door off hinges and then my alarm sounds and they get arrested
I have been close to being robbed. When I used to live in a split townhouse when I was about 3 years old the lower level was robbed. We were lucky.
my grandpa was robbed at feista...the robbers took a couple pounds of crayfish and he saw them walk out of the door with them, and he bieng the decent man that he was he told them that if they gave it back he wouldent call the cops, and then they pulled out a gun and put it to his head, he said "take the crayfish!", and they ran off and got away
Not directly, 1 time they entered to my house but i wasnt here, others i feel people following and i just hurry up and nothing happens, but never directly
Relative of mine got her house broken into. The robbers pulled up all her kitchen tiles (Don't know why...), took $700, A coin bank, toothpaste, and some bars of chocolate. The police dusted for prints and then went away, never to be heard from again.